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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. That fishing is over move to deeper water
  2. Screwie Louie in Fair Haven
  3. Kurt.. post in the open seat form and post you are new and would like to go out with some people and learn for your own boat. I'm sure someone will scoop ya up and show ya the ropes
  4. can anybody ID the jig head in this photo? jig head with a collar on bottom https://ibb.co/mdHCwT
  5. You should be able to find them out of Deans I would think
  6. Screwy Louie's Sport Shop: Fishing and Boating Supplies - Cannon Downriggers Fair Haven, NY www.screwylouiessportshop.com
  7. Electrical tape... 200 ft mono.... Wire
  8. Send me your pay pal I will take them
  9. I let about 10 to 15 feet of backing into the water AFTER the lead hits the water
  10. I also struggle with leadcore in general I use about 40 to 60 ft leader
  11. 18 lb now will be like 25 to 27 august
  12. I ran 100 percent spoon pattern except when I proke out a lake trout rig
  13. Probably going g to be a little choppy out there in the morning by looks of it... Fished yesterday and found kings over 100 to 150 20 to 40 down Hot item was a dipsey on 1 setting out 85
  14. If you believe in that sort of thing https://www.fishusa.com/product/Pro-Troll-Black-Box?utm_source=google_ps&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google_ps&gclid=CjwKCAjw8_nXBRAiEiwAXWe2ybB5Tlmbm4vWSQnLgDJA2GdwOw8WDcvgtIB-OWDK3tCEoj8nqNEtRxoCeCUQAvD_BwE
  15. Good.. a compass is very important aside from the GPS unit
  16. Dr w do u have a compass ?
  17. Thats a hewescraft I believe
  18. Anybody got a last min report from today
  19. Need a lot more info... Aluminum or fiberglass? Plan on keeping in a slip or trailoring it? You can get a lot of boat size wise for 25k
  20. bandrus1

    Sold / Closed 1994 Starcraft Islander 191.

    Heck of a deal ya ask me
  21. I saw given a fair report from oz in 100 to 125
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