look for 70-120 FOW and look for bait.. IMO jigging them on finger lakes is easier because it is easier to locate bait and it moves less day to day where on LO here today gone tomorrow
Girl friend family has a place a mile south of long point so we put the boat in and ran down to power plant area... Never fished this far north before but gave it a try
830am-1130 am
TONS of bait pods in 30FOW so much so we snagged alewifes on spoons on riggers ...... lots of marks but only skipper salmon were takers on stick on boards and on riggers with spoons... probably could have had some nicer fish if we started out at 630 am,,,, I say if you are looking for fish the area is loaded with bait
49 degree surface temp over 25-60 fow bait pods are in 20- 35 fow