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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. need permission to fish the section you were given permission to fish in writing
  2. Name your own price
  3. I just threw mine away dang
  4. thats noodling
  5. I would assume that means under 10 do not need to register
  6. replied back to you
  7. Rapala flat rap in hot steel
  8. I had older manuals at one time and ran 12's fine.. as said above if ya dont give them hell they will be okay I would say
  9. need to add some to the box looking for sizes under 41.... please shoot me a pm thanks
  10. you want them close to the bottom that is hard to do with dipsies because you can adjust them quickly run them 8-15 feet off the ball with the peanut/ splinglow 24-30 inches or so back
  11. yeah not so much a king rig but laker killer
  12. thats a nice deal and set up
  13. Tom posted he is cleaning the biz up and wont be carrying a lot of small items those me them
  14. would a victrola work?
  15. Thanks everybody
  16. That's just like mine except mine is on the inside
  17. I put new tires on my trailer last year and got about 4 trips in and both side the inside of the tires are worn flat.. The trailer is no way overloaded.. Anybody have an opinion
  18. I see that.. Hope it was just an easy target and not an issue in the making
  19. yesterday https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11080878_10204985927545939_1440944324574842561_n.jpg?oh=d3815f22fb13e1104afba1033ff5563d&oe=559B2506&__gda__=1437407315_64cbd40db3515ea43c606679ef7edc49
  20. Hope that first fish isn't an indication of something
  21. All the fish have already been snagged, netted, harpooned, and clubbed.. Better luck next year
  22. You hear a lot less people jigging Lakers on ontario.. My guess is because they are harder to target while not covering ground
  23. I second this
  24. http://www.sheltonproducts.com/FBR.html
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