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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. I was able to get combos of convectors and celilo rods 8.6 foot 6-12 line new for $105 each shipped to my door
  2. I have a service spool with about 2000 yards left and 2 300 yard spools with about 250 yards each left This stuff is out of production so if you like running it here is a chance to stock up I dont know what to ask for it so make me an offer shipped or picked up in binghamton 30 lb test
  3. im looking at convectors on ebay new for $64 and thats hopefully the range im looking at
  4. that is a different price class of reel thats almost $40 a reel more than the convectors
  5. buying new board reels this spring please weigh in on these two options or if I am missing one in that price range that is better
  6. wow sweet rods
  7. I havnt looked i'll take your word for it
  8. i say 7 but truthfully closer to 5
  9. nope dont even think possible
  10. ohh sorry i didnt realize you meant on inline boards
  11. def are way to beefy..... i run 4-8 lb rods
  12. I like froggy glow walkers
  13. spoons id say start at $2 each in a lot and work down... some sell for more some less so it evens out
  14. bandrus1

    Sold / Closed Islander HardTop

    now that is a rig
  15. And I am saying people will fish witth hem anyway DEC has plenty of rules to enforce now that they dont and this one would be no different
  16. I dont think people who catch trout and dump them in the trash just for the eggs would follow this regulation anyway
  17. i live in binghamton.. I have no snow in my yard
  18. This site is a great resource.. Spend time reading up there is a ton on here. Welcome aboard
  19. if somebody can pick it up in binghamton I have that box and another plano spoon box of course deal with the OP if he is willing to split first.. didnt mean to hijack his thread just trying to help out
  20. Power dive I have one of those boxes I can sell you.. Where u located
  21. Nice offer would make a nice starter pack!
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