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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. I found a 22 today in an antique store for $3
  2. Come on now not a single offer on evil eyes?
  3. I dont knoww official sizes but most are larger sized... but both brwn and king size
  4. I got a pm from him.. Replied with size
  5. Finger lakes gone Make offer on evil eyes
  6. Finger lake tackle spoon lot 17 spoons $50 shipped 15 Evil eye spoons $60 shipped Can buy both together for $100 shipped
  7. 7 in total $40 shipped to your door
  8. if u r trying to cheap out use 5 gallon buckets
  9. boat... $1500 Repower 11k Truck to tow 7 k so there is that
  10. doesnt happen to be a tiller is it
  11. you can use braid early... fleas will stick to it like white on rice
  12. Great vid Vlad thanks for sharing.. What a place
  13. That's what I didn't know.. How come finger lakes keep it open?
  14. I hear ya but saying four lb is just not practical
  15. it isnt about it looking good on some woman... some people see it white and gold other people see it blue and black and there is really no answer why people are seeing it two different ways
  16. its blue and black
  17. thats with the boat still trolling forward?
  18. that would be my idea! with a peanut
  19. it should work on any weight
  20. both to stay off bottom and to leave a little smoke trail behind the ball...bottom bouncing riggers is great for lakers
  21. Now that's a laker killer
  22. ahh big difference between 6lb fluro and 8 lb maxi on those kings
  23. chowder is that with a 6lb leader tied onto the 8lb maxi?
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