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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. Get an etec
  2. mission failed
  3. yeah not new.. people here use pink worm all the time
  4. are you saying a new type of rigging? Or just the use of pink worms?
  5. I think your trophy hunters are people you are exposed to the most aka facebook, internet You dont really hear from true "meat" hunters
  6. The big one got away could have been a large grouper
  7. And never reported it to authorities???
  8. https://binghamton.craigslist.org/boa/4679621679.html or 10 winters lol
  9. a $108 combo? Cant say I know what that would be but you wont find anything much cheaper than that
  10. probably should post your budget
  11. would like to hear back after your trip
  12. ill bump this again for a fall steelheader looking for a high end fly rod
  13. that a nifty looking bout for a newbie.... looks like a great start up
  14. one of these things is not like the others
  15. dont go blaming this on some "ohh its them hippy clean earth liberals" this is an issue that impacts all fishermen and boaters and it good for all of us
  16. Yeah a wash station at EVERY RAMP sounds incredibly practical
  17. Trust me it isnt my normal opinion about law officers but I really believe it in this case
  18. I am normally with you on these types of issues but I HIGHLY HIGHLY doubt they are going to be picky on this and will write very few tickets. The fact they now have a tool to educate people it good. They can now say "I could write you a ticket but im going to inform you instead" is what I anticipate happening Invasive plants are ruining many good waterways and lakes and NYS pays a ton of money to both prevent, treat and clean them up This is a law that is an overall win for the community and will not be harshly enforced unless highly egregious
  19. How can u get burned on ebay? They always side with the buyer if a pay pal claim is filed
  20. people will complain but it is a hard to enforce law that will at least bring awareness to the issue I saw an overall win for the fishing community
  21. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lot-of-9-NEW-old-stock-LUREKING-Spoons-THE-PREDATOR-AND-BRONTE-FLUTTER-SPOON-/131276021964?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_2&hash=item1e90a920cc
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