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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. im sure he gets picked on
  2. 30's are fine
  3. im thinking it will def be a late run/ season this year
  4. I doubt it is a normal occurrence
  5. Not my ad but thought it was a good deal and could help somebody out http://binghamton.craigslist.org/boa/4590245830.html
  6. probably has stringer issues
  7. And dont come here crying if you dont!!
  8. welp now we have 3 different answers so far hahah
  9. iv read places that you attach in middle of the leadcore... and iv read other places attach where backing meets the lead... seems like lots of answers.. how long a leader would you run
  10. If i have a 10 color core set up and want to attach a 4 oz dive bomber to it this weekend.... where would you attach it to you line? How much backing in addition to the core would you let out? How long of mono leader would you attach to the core?
  11. ahh to bad I have a service spool of 30 id sell
  12. flasher and fly in green and whites
  13. Im only 30 and between river and lake gear im scared to even tag a number
  14. you would be completly fine on a calm day in late aug early september out in 40-60 feet of water out of oswego
  15. more like this thred will have people headed north! wakka wakka
  16. id say run 8 colors and a 1-2 oz stinger dive bomber? what you say sk8man?
  17. very very nice
  18. skin mount paul?
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