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Everything posted by bandrus1

  1. oswego, fair haven, mexico, little slamon river, sandy
  2. would also trade for a couple of old line counter reels
  3. $180 less than a buck a pop now
  4. yes braid id say 700 feet
  5. I cant even get an offer haha I just wanna help somebody out
  6. I would gladly take more 17-19 lb kings and less 30 lbers
  7. $230 these gotta go please just toss me an offer guys
  8. Wasnt me
  9. Kinda like a knock knock joke lol
  10. $250 Still accepting whatever offer you want to toss out there
  11. 265 bump... will not be offended by offers dudes
  12. Up for sale is 184 classic spoons many of which are no longer in production.. This lot includes many evil eyes and other highly desired spoons. This will be a great starter package or addition to your existing collection. If you listen to a lot of chatter on the lake this year the old school lures are killing fish this year I am starting it at $270 shipped to your door... I will take offers also dont be shy and shoot me a message
  13. not to sure how to judge lure speed ray
  14. that was also probably written before the law change correct?
  15. yes I was and thats exactly why I want to know... there are a lot of other things (riggers, divers) that I would have known what depth they were running and catching fish
  16. 10 lb maxima 120 back sorry yes this should have been included
  17. ok so we were running spoons of our boards with a 1 oz sinker 7 feet in front of them anybody want to take a guess of their depth at 2.4 gps speed
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