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September 16, 2011
Last visited
6 hours ago
Everything posted by Rippin'Line
And they came out awesome!
I messaged them a few days ago and they said it would be the weekend of the 19th with an official announcement soon. Hopefully triple crown dates come out soon too.
Having some issues with getting pictures to upload. I’ll get them up shortly.
Mix of ProTrolls, spin doctors, Luhr Jensen, and hot spots. Total of 90 all together. Pickup only. Live in the Macedon area but travel to the Sodus Point and Port Bay Area often and will meet at a
reasonable distance.
$400 OBO
You can also get it added to your NYS Drivers license when you’re up for a renewal or sooner if you wish to pay for it. Adds an anchor to it I believe.
I own the same boat and absolutely love it.
I like it, would definitely swap out to be able to run multiple probes on one system vs running two different temp units.
12 rod Hardtop rack. 80” long, rod holders are 9” tall. Weekly I’m in the Sodus Point area but live in Macedon. $225
Mix of 18 spin doctors, Pro-Trolls, and a DW. I’m often between Macedon and Sodus Point area. Will ship on your dime but prefer pickup. $120
Set of two. I live in Macedon but I’m in the Sodus point and Wolcott area weekly. Will not ship.
Daiwa Sealine 47LC reels. All work as they should. $35 each. Will ship on buyers dime. SOLD
Okuma Convector 30d’s. Wire reel the lever quit working but I just backed the drag off to set it. Has probably 950’ or blood run wire left on it. Mono reel is fully functional. $60 each.
I use them for divers and have had no issues with what you are describing.
It falls through I’ll take it
Very well could be. Only time i fish the bay really anymore is when we get blown off the lake.
that technique was more used in the lake. i’ve caught smallies in the bay but mainly largemouth. weed lines and around the points for pike. There are walleyes but they’re not common. only have ever caught a few.
Where is locally for you?
mag inside, reg outside. i do a 1 and 3. can also do both regulars with 20lb wire on the inside diver. Shouldn’t be an issue with your riggers. Baits are generally tighter to your rigger weights compared to 100+ feet behind your boat with divers. I always just run them right out of the package. Can’t say I have ever took a ring off and I normally glue them down so they don’t come off. Still expect tangles with other divers or long lines but you do get better at preventing them the more you do it.
I’m assuming you mean 7 strand for a diver. In my opinion those rods are too stiff to be used as a diver rod.
Two 8x20” Taylor Made, One 6x18” West Marine. All held air over the winter. Came off a boat I recently bought and I bought new ones. Local pickup in Macedon but Have been traveling to Wolcott weekly and could arrange something. Ropes seen in pics included. $30
Great starter pack. Everything you need for Salmon, Browns, and lakers.
It seems to be a yearly thing. Up til a few years ago i fished flies consistently as soon as there was fishable numbers on the east end. Past few years generally seems to be it switches to more of a fly bite later in the season. Regardless I always have at least one on a diver then go from there.