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Everything posted by Rippin'Line

  1. I know last ur before the kings started to show up we pounded lakers on them. Then again it seems like you can pound lakers on about anything. Lol
  2. Great price! Too bad I run cannons or I would pick this up.
  3. I used a teaser setup with success this year but I've heard from many people that that's a Lake Michigan setup and nobody uses them in Lake O. Now I obviously beg to differ on that but does anybody else use these? I've done both with and without teaser. I seem to also get more releases on the teaser set up but less hookups. I believe this is from the fish hitting the teasers rather than the actual meat. Anyone else use these or am I the Lone Ranger on this one?
  4. Thought the X4D had a whole different system?
  5. Happy Birthday Hank! Thanks for all the work you did on the boat this year!
  6. Had the same thing happen at sandy a few weeks ago. Good size king jumping out of the water with a big lamprey stuck to him.
  7. Hey if ya get a chance can ya post I theirs any pier fisherman out tonight. Taking my last trip out on Wednesday and need to get my fix still til the steelhead run. Thanks.
  8. Lake isn't glass anymore. Lol
  9. Yeah unfortunately it's my grandfathers but this paint is supposedly one coat and its done. Got the railings done yesterday so now it's just rolling the floor boards. Gonna go for evening bite.
  10. Man I knew I was going to regret not goin out today. Gotta get this 400 square foot deck stained today tho.
  11. Out if curiosity how many gallons of gas does your boat burn in say 5 hours of fishing?
  12. I hope you mean 300 feet not yards. Lol
  13. Well got a late start do to feeling a little under the weather the night before. Launched at about 10:30 and set up in 130. Had down temp of 44.8 degrees with 100 ft of cable out. We set our riggers at 80 90 and 100 at the middle with 2 flasher fly combos and a lone spoon. Dipsys then went out at 230 and 280 with doctors and atomic flies. Just before I set the second rigger the deep rigger fires with a 7 pound steelhead. Get the fish in, finish the five rod spread, get to work on the coppers and we double up with some low teens kings. Ok so now I'm think of not dealing with the coppers. Get those two fish in, reset and the 2 1/2 wait period begins. So I go to swap one if my riggers out and upon redeploying my cable jumped on my rigger (excessive swearing). So Now I'm down to 4 lines so about too put the coppers out again and the dipsys starts screaming. Mark the waypoint, land the 28# king and swing back around. Upon hitting that waypoint again deep rigger fires and a 25# king hits the deck. So now were thinking it wont to again but sure wrought get on top of it and 10# coho hits the deck. Not bad for a late morning early afternoon trip. Be out early tmrw. Here's a few pics.....
  14. 3 setting 500 out?! My arm hurts thinking about it.
  15. I'm on vacation starting tmrw too Nick. Be up at Port bay mostly and some Sandy creek mixed in with my buddy. Can't wait!
  16. Nice! I like the side views as well. Gives me some more ideas.
  17. That's awesome man. I'm Sure your sons already asking when your going out again. The sickness has been given. Anyways save up some money over the winter months and pick up a probe. You won't regret it and your catch rate will go up. See you on the water.
  18. Thanks Lou
  19. Just another little video. http://youtu.be/UL7WafAx18s
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