ehh stackers piss me off. I cant do it unfortunately. They tangle sometimes and if your bottom line goes you have to pull the whole rig up and reset. Id rather have one go, hit auto up, land the fish, reload the rigger, and keep going.
Recently bought a penn yan with an 8' Beam. Would it be best to run one rigger right down the middle and 2 off the sides at a 90 degree angle away from the boat. Thought about doing 4 but for a 21' boat and after adding dipseys and such seems it would get a bit crowded.
You could pull musky lures and browns would hit them. Theyre simply voracious in the spring. But yeah i didnt realize those were 3 treble sticks. Mine are 2 and about 6 inches in length.
30 ft penn yan with twin tunnel drive 350s. With of course every fishing accessory possible to dominate the Great Lake Ontario!
[ Post made via iPhone ]
Port Bay in Wolcott NY. He's got my boat right now. I've always heard great things about him and hes a family friend that helps out my Grandfather alot in his present state. Great guy.
You dont need copper with dispys. Copper is ran as a flat line pulling a spoon or flasher/fly combo. The weight of the copper line alone deopending on the amount out and speed can reach depths of around 100'. On my boat dipsys are a necessity. They acount for about 60% of the fish compared to the riggers. The wire your probably hearing about being run on the dipsy rods is generally 7 strand stainless steel. It is used becaus it doesnt stretch like mono does and cuts through the fleas easier. Some people run braid to eliminate the stretch but it seems like the fleas pile up on it alot easier and in greater quantity.
In my own opinion for your setup i would run your riggers as you do but with spoons and i would run the dispys off the sides with on a 2 or 3 setting with flasher fly combos so they're out away from everything. Any more than 4 rods on that size boat your asking for trouble.
Good Luck and post reports and questions! This is a great community and everyone on here is willing to share.