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Everything posted by Rippin'Line

  1. White board green dot spinny with green hammer time fly. 42 second spinny/fly. Mtn dew crush glow spinny with green crinkle or silver hammer time fly. Those are my 3 favorite but anything white, blue, or green will get some looks. Purples can be productive on overcast days or right before dark. However key thing is to get down to the fish. I dipsy up in the rocket launcher isn't going to get the same depth you hear on the radio when someone says 250 back. Also when your marking fish don't drop you balls to right where they're at. Fish tend too look up when they feed. Hope this helps [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. Also a 600 copper won't fit on that size with backing [ Post made via iPhone ]
  3. Feel like it would defeat the purpose of the fight. Plus more fail points for the line to break. I would go small if you were going to do that but seems a little excessive. Post how it works if u try it. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  4. Thinking about ordering a set of these for my riggers, wire, and copper. Obviously I'll need different size reels for these applications but I was just wondering if anybody has any experience with these reels. Probably going to pair with blue diamond rods. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  5. Wow your first salmon was a 36 pounder?! Welcome to the LOU family. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  6. It really depends on water temperature but ad far as dates go mid September is probably average. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  7. Count me in. Ran pretty much everything but meat [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. Theres fish outside the bay. If you troll between 100 and 220 feet of water you should be able to find them. Got a nice cold front moving in tho Wednesday so well see how they respond to that. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  9. What is a twinkie rig?
  10. I painted mine in an NBK pattern. Keep finding teeth marks on my balls
  11. B-E had 20# last I knew [ Post made via iPhone ]
  12. I was told try we're out of the plastic to make the line. Not sure if thats fact or not. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  13. Also how many hours? [ Post made via iPhone ]
  14. Pics? [ Post made via iPhone ]
  15. Great Day man. I love getting out with my father and creating those memories. I'm sure there will be many more to come for both of us.
  16. Oh my god. Perfect for anal fish [ Post made via iPhone ]
  17. Dang wish I was out Friday the 13th. I netted 4 shoplifters while slow trolling kmart but would have much rather been out on the lake:( [ Post made via iPhone ]
  18. Knot strength. Failed knots can be the most agonizing way to lose a fish [ Post made via iPhone ]
  19. Didn't know you could sell ur fish on here! So this means I can fund gas money on here by selling my fish $10 a salmon, $8 steelhead and browns, and $4 lakers. Perfect [ Post made via iPhone ]
  20. Big baits, big fish. Size doesn't really matter. Alewifes can get over 12 inches long and a big king would still blast it. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  21. Is it because they crap everywhere? lol
  22. It would be cool if the two could coexist but I don't see it working. We're lucky enough the gobies came under control. Besides I live for salmonoids! Lol [ Post made via iPhone ]
  23. Fish finder is necessary if you want to know where the fish are and or how deep your fishing. If it was me I would invest in 2 down riggers first because you can stack the cable with a few lines as opposed to only having two divers out. That's just my opinion tho [ Post made via iPhone ]
  24. That sucks, funny how the monster tends to whack the weaker setup [ Post made via iPhone ]
  25. Is it meant for dipsies? Or at least a down rigger rod? [ Post made via iPhone ]
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