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Everything posted by LungeLumberLures

  1. Went today for the last trip of the year.......and what a good year it has been
  2. Thanks everyone , it was a pretty sweet couple of days and a nice way to end the season if I don't make it back this year. Joe - would love to but 2 days of strait casting sun up till sun down is about all I can handle Adam - Temps were 45-46 on the north end never went to the south
  3. Went back to Chautauqua for black friday and bagged another good fish.
  4. Went fishing for Thanksgiving started out pretty slow with just a few lazy follows and then nothing , until right before sundown when in comes another follow. After several figure 8's with no response I made the next 8 with the rod submerged to the reel and then back to normal depth again. As soon as the bait came to the surface she slashed at it and missed , by the time she got turned around the bait was coming right at her and she CRUSHED it.
  5. Now that is a smart lady right there , you better hang on to this one Mike! Maybe she could give you some pointers on netting fish.
  6. Was out yesterday and had the same type of window right before the rain 5 of 7 with the biggest being 39". Last Tuesday the day befor the full moon and a front coming in , between 7:15am - 11:00 am went 7 of 11 with the largest three were 50.5,49.5 and 46.
  7. Just got back from Chautauqua Lake (love that place) picked up 2 today one nice one on a perch Prowler. Casting jerk baits get me 2-3 fish per day , this year with the water temps still in the mid 70's the big fish are still shallow. Just get yourself on the edge of the weeds and cast away and you will find fish.
  8. Got this one Friday evening casting a Walleye Prowler fishing solo , man what a handfull.
  9. Hey Capt. Larry are you looking for donations for a raffle table? I would like to donate a couple 9" Prowlers in a new color I have been playing with and having great success.
  10. Got out on 5-17-2012 was able to put 5 in the bag and one slob , all on the Perch Prowler. Man what a year so far!!!!!!!!!
  11. You can count me in for a few baits Larry.
  12. Good luck Chad (and Mike) , hope the MUSKY GODS smile on you. That would be pretty cool to see your smiling face with a trophy in your hand! Kick some TAIL! Dan
  13. 2012 the year of the MUSKY !!!!! This season is off to a rip-roamin' start just hope it keeps going. My buddy Ed was the man of the day with his personal best of 46". Way to go EDDY!!!! .Ed caught both of his fish on a 8" Strait Shooter in you guessed it Pearl White and I got mine on the Prowler 9.
  14. Just let me know what you want Chad and I will hook it up , painting Pearl's today but having a hard time keeping them around for long. The 7.5" is ready for production but don't have the time to make them with the 9"er orders. As far as down sizing goes for spring time I strongly disagree or i should say the fish do! . I used to struggle in Ohio with the spring time fishing , mainly because I was going by the book and down sizing and going shallow this year I decided to do it my way(9" baits and bigger) and no more struggle. Give me a call when you get a chance so we can talk about that or get you down here for a little warn up for Cave Run.
  15. April 7 , 2012 Hey Chad don't forget you Pearl White 9" for Cave Run!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Hit West Branch today trying to beat the spawn and had my best day ever in Ohio as well as my biggest Ohio fish. Went 6 for 6 one dink(not pictured)35, 39, 40,40 and 48 that hit in the figure 8. All 6 fell to a 9" Prowler in Pearl white.
  17. Based on water temps it kind of make it a trollers event , really makes it tough for the casters.
  18. Happy Birthday Capt. Larry my Birthday was the 23 of March and this was my present from the MUSKY GODS!
  19. I sent you a PM about the Lumber
  20. Talk about going out with a BANG , nice job guys.You still have today , tomorrow and Wednesday to go (the wife can wait a few more days
  21. Hit Chautauqua yesterday as the musky season draws to a close(man how depressing is that!)and what an beautiful day for the end of November. Water temps in the 43-44 degree range and visibility was great 10 feet plus. The day started out kind of slow had 6 or 7 follows by noon with no takers , shortly after noon I hooked up with a upper 40’s fish and lost it before I could get her to the net(heartbreaker). That first fish I lost was really starting hurt as the day went on with more follows and none were willing to take , as the sun was on it’s way down and time running out(for the day and the season)I headed back to a spot we had fished a few times during the day and kept seeing fish but no takers. Just as the sun dropped below the horizon wham , finally put one in the net which made me feel a little better about the first fish.. Now with daylight fading fast but not dark yet I figured we had time for a few more cast and wham fish number 2 in the net. Chautauqua has always had a very pronounced first light and last light bite , there has be a number of times when at the end of a fishless day between sunset and dark the whole day changes. Would like to get out Monday or Tuesday for the last trip of the year depending on the weather
  22. Went to Chautauqua for Thanksgiving and thankfully I was able to avoid the skunk. Only got one pretty early in the day at just before 8:00 , had one follow around 9:00 and the rest of the day was very slow no more follows or hook-ups. More heavy rain on Tuesday and Wednesday had the water a little stained around the inlets but overall was pretty good , water temps on the north end were 43-44 and on the south end it’s down to 42. Fish hit a Walleye Prowler.
  23. That sounds good to me Joe , maybe everyone could pitch in $5 for a Big Fish Pool whoever catches the largest fish wins the pot (just to make it a little more exciting!). Some time in October maybe late October?
  24. Went to Chautauqua today thinking a little rain might get things moving . My god what a mess there was floating debris everywhere , water that looked like coffee with creamer! Whole trees , branches , pieces of peoples docks , trash , it was like a slalom course trying to get from one place to another.75-80% of the water on the north end has vis. less than a foot .Did manage to put one in the boat at 7:15 am on a Lunge Lumber Prowler in the Walleye pattern and that was it except for a bunch of lazy follows. If anybody had plans of fishing Chautauqua I would definitely give it a few days to clear up but watch out for the floating trees and stumps. Say water temps from 46.8-48.2.
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