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King Slammin

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Everything posted by King Slammin

  1. Sounds like u need to get a Treestand over there in your back yard. I'm heading out to sit in the rain today. Maybe I'll get rewarded Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  2. I love everything about Texas, except the heat. Could never live there because of it. Bring on the snow and ice!!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  3. I don't have clothes light enough to hunt in 77 degrees. On the plus side, they are chasing in the thicket behind my son and I had one grunt as he came through behind me. Not leaving the thicket yet though. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Clouds kept the heat in last night. 52 on the walk in. One 2.5 yr old 8 pt cruised by so far. Followed the Antler Ice right in. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. Clouds kept the heat in last night. 52 on the walk in. One 2.5 yr old 8 pt cruised by so far. Followed the Antler Ice right in. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. I have a 5 pin sight with super small pins too. It's lighted so it helps in early morning or last light shots. I use my rangefinder religiously too Ray. Always ranging puddles, sticks, tufts of grass, etc so I'll be ready if/ when he decides to show up. Nice buck man!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Thanks guys. I'm old school, used feather fletchings up until I bought this now in 2012. NE wind tonight, my favorite for big bucks here Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  8. Here's a question for u guys. Does anybody shoot a drop away rest? If so, what kind, and how does it perform from a hunting stand point? ( keeping the arrow secure while drawing, hanging on the hook, or holding it) I've been using the whisker biscuit for awhile now but thinking of changing for a new bow. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. Are you having fun at work today Scott? Lol Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  10. Decent buck turned into brush about 100 yds away. That's ok, I didn't want to be tempted. They are on a mission today Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  11. Four point came all the way down the ditch to me and stopped where I sprinkled a little dominant buck pee. He got all nervous for a bit and turned into the brush. I love watching them during the rut Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Spike came to check out the Antler Ice doe in heat Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Got busted by a coyote as I was climbing up the tree. Then I had to listen to him bark and circle me until the sun came up. I hate those damn dogs!!! Beautiful morning though with a light fog in the treetops. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. For sure. I was watching for a reaction to my calls, which for the most part was none. I stopped him for a few seconds with a snort wheeze just as he was about to step into the thicket. I dragged a rag with some Antler Ice doe in heat 300 yds down the opening on my way in. I guess I should have gone 75 yds past instead of just making a 25 yd circle. There's always tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. My son has been shooting muzzy mx3, same as me. He has killed 10 deer in 3.5 years. 7 with the bow. We did lose one but I shot her a couple weeks later with just a slice on her forearm. Lol Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  16. I had a great 10 pt come out of the thicket 70 yds away about 3:45. I could not turn him and he made his way slowly across the 50 yd clearing and back into the thicket on the other side. Right where the two does from this morning went. Easily 140" maybe more. I try not stare at the rack once I decide on a shooter Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. I've been following this thread while I was in Chicago this weekend for the bears game. Congrats to all who arrowed a nice one. My son and I have just three doe for the freezer so far. Saw a coyote at first light and just had two does nervously feeding around me for the last half hr, but no chasing of any kind yet in the thickets around. I'm in Olcott. Good luck guys.me Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. That deer is older than 2 1/2. I was hunting a deer very similar to that in Niagara county about 5 yrs ago. Passed on him at 30 yds just inside the brush because too much in the way. The next morning, I got a call from my buddy to tell me he was shot across the road, chasing a doe on the edge of a cornfield. The kickers coming off the tines were an exact match to all my trail cam pics. Broke my fricken heart. I hope you get him. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  19. Awesome. What part of NY? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  20. I've always shot Bear Archery bows. IMO they are the best hunting bows for the money. I currently shoot the Bear Strike. It's small, light, quiet, accommodates my 30.5" draw length, and simple to shoot. Whatever u do, don't get hung up on needing the fastest or most popular bow. Good luck Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  21. I've had a scrape on one property since late August, early September. It's always there early then mid October 5 or 6 more pop up all around it. My camera shows 7 different bucks using the scrape with 2 borderline shooters. That was 3 weeks ago. Another property has had scrapes around for the last few weeks in the acorns. This past weekend, it really got hot as there are over 20 scrapes on the trails too and from the acorns with quite a few rubs mixed in as well. This property was logged about 5 or 6 years ago and most of the old oak and hickory was removed. Hunting was pretty bad since then but it seems to be on the rebound now that the new growth has provided cover and the oaks that are left are producing very well this year. My third property I have yet to get a shooter on camera. It's a doe area with thick cover surrounded by crops and a small oak and hickory patch on one side. The bigger bucks usually don't move in until later October and I have a couple stands on the north side of the thickets overlooking the crop field, perfect for SW wind. We've passed on a few smaller does and does with youngsters so far. My fourth property was just opened up by the town clearing the state ditch that runs through the center. It's going to be awesome this year as I've seen some real bruisers roaming through the thick stuff during archery every year. I will be staying out of there until the chasing begins. I took a bad angle shot and grazed this monster there last year. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Got any 1.65 or 1.75's? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Whether u choose to hunt the first two weeks or not makes no difference in the DEC decision to keep this change in effect. My strategy has always been to fill doe tags early in archery on certain properties/ locations, and stay away from my hot Rut sets until the chase is on. If I was lucky enough to pattern a shooter buck on a food source early, sure I would be sitting there trying to get him. What the DEC will realize after this year is that their "strategy" is flawed. If they want doe numbers down, the only logical answer is to extend the antler less season into January. Whether it is primitive weapons only or not. Look at the success Ohio is having Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. Deer dander is the best calming scent out there. My wife hates it because I smell like I've been a member of the herd all season. Lol. On a side note, I'm seeing scrape activity on a couple of my properties already. I had a camera on the one scrape I found last week and there was 8 different bucks working it, with a shooter 9 and 10 pt among them. Needless to say, I won't be sitting there this morning. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  25. Great machine. I have a 2008 Grizzly 700 EFI with the special edition carbon fiber plastics. Been ice fishing on Oneida the last couple years in the deep snow and still getting through. It's unstoppable with aggressive tires Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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