Just bought some 50# flouro and octopus hooks to tie my own tourney rigs. Rhys Davies bait heads come prerigged with 30# big game, I HIGHLY recommend retying if you run these. We took 5 shots on the same setup, missed two, and broke three off after the drag started screaming. Only landed 4 kings today, largest was 12#. Caught a bunch of small steelies with the largest at 6# which we boxed along with the 12# king. Hottest bait besides the meat was nbk free slider and green watermelon free slider, both nk28's on 75' and 47' riggers. chrome frog did nothing for us today, and nuclear green glow sd with proam atomik fly took one. King bites came at 145', 275', 285', 290', 335', and 247' with many skippies and steelies in between. At least I can send my buddy home with a couple meals after we have a few cold ones to forget about the ones that got away.