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King Slammin

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Everything posted by King Slammin

  1. Vince has taught me a lot this year and I'm very thankful for that. I'm hoping a couple other captains will follow with a donation as well. Benefit is Sept 30th at Wrights corners fireball from 1-5. There will be lots of fishing and hunting prizes to win. If anyone wants tickets, please pm me. We are still doing a lot of planning at this point, but will have tickets shortly [ Post made via iPhone ]
  2. We are having a benefit for the family of one of my good friends Chuck Sossong, who passed away last yr after falling from his tree stand. If any of you that charter out of Wilson, olcott, or the oak would like to donate a charter for the Basket auction to be held Sept 30th, your help is greatly appreciated. Chuck ran a 19' Great Lakes Special for the last few yrs out of Olcott and was an avid outdoorsman. He has two young boys that are very much involved in the outdoors, and his wife is left with a lot to bear. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  3. Had him at 20' two yrs ago running right at me so I couldn't draw. Last yr he was 50 yds away just inside the brush while I watched four other bucks chase an estrous doe. Hopefully this yr things come together. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  4. Set a couple cameras out with my boys last weekend and checked them this weekend. We had well over 200 pictures of deer on the two cameras we set up. One whopper that was caught walking by our set on the edge of a sweet corn field three times, 6 or 7 smaller bucks and a few doe.
  5. It really depends. Like stated above on my fish hawk I stay between 2.5 and 3.2 (whatever the fish tell me they like) I've been using 2.8 SOG on my GPS as well. But I run a lot of Flashers and NK mag spoons which need a faster speed since they are heavier. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  6. Vince, was that Tonys boat? I guess that's just my luck. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  7. Keep your rod tips up high and look out at the horizon. Motion sickness gets worse when u ate in the cuddy or looking down at the deck [ Post made via iPhone ]
  8. The same thing happened here in the west end a few years ago. A guy was fighting a salmon when he felt something grab it. When he got the line back to the boat just the head was left. I had something interesting happen to me earlier this summer. I had 2 downriggers down, 1 @ 75' and 1 @ 60' in 85 FOW. I marked what I thought was a huge school of bait and after that decided to pull lines and head in. I popped the first rod and hit the up switch on the rigger. It started coming up then bogged down and broke off. After saying a few choice words and getting my line cleared I did the same for the other rigger and the same thing happened, it started to come up then bogged down and broke. I was just east of Wilson harbor in 85 FOW. I should have dropped a waypoint but was too frustrated at the time. Losing 2 15# atomic torpedoes [ Post made via iPhone ]
  9. I just turn up sensitivity on the sonar and mark them on screen. Less than 5 feet blowback with 12# torpedoes down to 110' [ Post made via iPhone ]
  10. Thanks. She was definitely a beauty. Put a smile on my Grandads face for the rest of the day. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  11. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name: King Slammin ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water: 6:00- 11:30 Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Calm Waves: Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 16 Total Boated: 10 Species Breakdown: Kings and Steel Hot Lure: Trolling Speed: 2.8 Down Speed: 2.6-3.0 Boat Depth: 60-420 Lure Depth: 30-110 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== I had my Grandad, my son, and his friend out with me this morning. Started out in 60 FOW and watched a mostly blank screen until we hit our first king, a teenager, about 6:30. We continued a steady pick of small kings and steelies on our way out. While I was fighting a large steelie on the 200' wire, the 80' rigger starts screaming. My grandad jumped on that rod and began his 40 minute battle with a 26 lb hen. He was pretty tired after the battle so held it up for pics. Got a few more and lost a few more after that and decided to call it quits about 11:30. Our program: 60' rigger early (80' later) chrome grn dot spinny hammer fly (took our two biggest) SSW slider 75' rigger (100' later on) 42nd spinny 6" ITO Irish fly. Orange/ chrome slider 125' wire (3 setting) King of Sting mag 150' wire (3 setting) white/ raspberry mag 200' wire (1 setting) white grn dot spinny mtn dew fly 250' wire (1 setting) hammer time spinny grn crinkle fly A happy kid with his first king [ Post made via iPhone ]
  12. U are welcome to join us if u want. The kids can hang out up front until we get something going. I always have a hard time finding a crew. Usually first timers and kids on my boat, and I just drive. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  13. I'll be on 68 or my cell is 316-1831 if u wanna chat. Hoping to find something consistent instead of search mode tomorrow. Bringing my grandad, my son and his friend out. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  14. We did alright between 24 and 26 lines Wed. Found a decent school of big coho and managed to drop 4 screaming Kings due to angler error. Was thinking of starting in 60 FOW tommorrow morning and working out, but looking for some reports before I commit.
  15. I only run my flies 20" or so behind the flasher [ Post made via iPhone ]
  16. We got a large hen that was full of eggs on the 14th. I didn't think she was too dark though [ Post made via iPhone ]
  17. Wes at Slippery Sinker in Olcott has anything you need. Just ask him whats been hot, and definitely pick up some white w/green dot or capt valium spinnies and hammer flies. I'll be out Sunday morning with 68 on the radio but nobody really talks anymore.
  18. I love my brinkman smoke n grill. Wouldnt trade it for anything. Smoked the steelhead in the pics on the first post for 5 or 6 hrs and like musky bob said, u can tell by the color when their done. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  19. Just double the line and pass it through the swivel then around the swivel and pull it tight. Tie an overhand knot about an inch above and your done. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  20. Fishing Report Your Name / Boat Name:King Slammin ============== TRIP OVERVIEW ============== Date(s): Time on Water:6 to 10:30 Weather/Temp: Wind Speed/Direction: Waves: 1' to calm Surface Temp: Location: LAT/LONG (GPS Cords): =============== FISHING RESULTS =============== Total Hits: 1 Total Boated: 1 Species Breakdown: 24.5# King Hot Lure: chrome crush glow grn dot spinny w/ hammer fly Trolling Speed: Down Speed: Boat Depth: 155 Lure Depth: 50 ==================== SUMMARY & FURTHER DETAILS ==================== Marked a lot of fish and bait inside between 100 and 200, but only took one shot. It was a good one though and quickly peeled out over 450' of line. A darker hen with a good amount of eggs. [ Post made via iPhone ]
  21. I have caught some nice kings on a 42nd spinny with a 6" ITO Irish something behind it
  22. If you want steelies only, run your dipseys with the color spoons that have been suggested above. Run your riggers high with longer leads, and we used to run a silver with red tip j-plug down the chute. Mag Diehard has been a hot steelie producer for us on dipseys out 125- 200 with wire.
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