What are you all hearing about water levels? I talked to a few people and they had read or heard 11 more inches by the end of the month. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
Yup launches or walleye catches.
From what I understand charters are going after lakers because there aren't many walleyes if any being caught. I haven't seen the usual guys getting much.
Wow the water is that high at hidden? It has to be close to the 2017 high water mark at this point. How is the state park looking? I'm on 45 right next to it.
Unless it is bolted through the transom I would be putting it in my vehicle. Those hand tighten clamps loosen on a boat ride let alone on while trailering.
Carry a jumper pack just in case or an extra battery. I had the same situation when I was pre-fishing for a tournament My batteries didn't come all the way up to charge overnight and I didn't realize it. I had to hand start my 150. Luckily I had my dad holding the starter as I pulled and got her turning. If you have 2 batteries use just one while trolling then switch to the other for starting. I try to keep all my electronics on a separate battery from my starting battery.
UPF clothing and large brim hats. My FIL wears them we call them rice patty hats because they are quite large only problem is that it doesn't protect from the glare off the water. On a boat you're actually getting hit twice from the sun above and off the water. I use the neutrogena face sunscreen and usually use the regular stuff on my neck and ears because it is cheap and does a good job.
One thing to remember is none are sweat proof some are just a little stickier and should be reapplied every few hours.
Here is the style I am referring to.
Double, this trailer pulls fantastic behind my 2003 Silverado 1500. I got 10 mpg pulling it from Chaumont Bay to Sodus Bay for the the Pro/Am.
Bump for anyone looking for a cheap boat to get them out on the water. I'll be pulling the gear off this weekend and will get a few updated pictures. I would let the auto-pilot go with the boat for $3500. It is an Evo 100 with hydraulic pump. I have ran it in 6' breaking waves on a 8hp kicker and never had an issue staying straight into the waves. It is an essential for anyone that fishes alone. I can set it on straight line course by pressing 1 button and go set lines. It is like having another person on the boat.
It's starting, just saw last night there is a no wake law in effect for Jefferson county. No wake within 1000' of shore for the lake and 300' for the St. Lawrence River.
Jefferson county now has a state of emergency and no wake within 1000' of shore.
Why not just get a 12v trolling motor that does the thrust you want? The battery just won't last as long or allow for the high thrust applications. You will proably accomplish more running lower thrust at 12v than running a 24v trolling motor at 12v.
Just need some poor sap out there perch fishing you'll get your 50 bird limit pretty quick. I think most waterfowl birds are like that. Once they get whacked at in a certain location they don't come back for a while.
Here is an article on DEC's management techniques for Commorants.
Here is the last section for the link:
Status of Management Actions
Current actions are a continuation of measures used in the past, with the exception that DFW may no longer implement actions directed at protection of important fisheries and must comply with strict limits at specified locations. While ongoing efforts help to reduce impacts at specific locations, management cannot be adaptable to changing conditions or when concerns arise in new locations. Limits on permissible take also reduce effectiveness where and when numbers exceed authorized control thresholds.
DEC applied for and received a permit in the spring of 2018 to take limited actions to protect rare birds and sensitive habitats at very specific sites in Lake Ontario, Lake Erie, Lake Champlain, Oneida Lake, and the St. Lawrence and Niagara Rivers. In total, DEC may remove up to 4,980 cormorant nests and 965 birds in efforts to reduce impacts at these sites. Currently, there is no provision to provide protection to fisheries important to anglers, although actions underway will provide some benefit.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the federal Agency with oversight of cormorants, is studying the issue in cooperation with the States, including New York. USFWS is now beginning a process to look at fisheries impacts caused by cormorants. DEC will participate in the effort to ensure that effective management strategies to protect all natural resources are considered in future plans developed by the USFWS.
We hope that this process will result in a more comprehensive cormorant management plan that encompasses the range of public resource concerns that exist, but the process may not be completed for several years.
I have seen very large numbers the last couple years, I have a bad feeling that there numbers are starting to grow again. For a while the DEC was doing something about them but don't think they have done anything in the last few years. If that is true it is showing,
I wonder if they are any concern to DEC at this point or if they are going to wait until the fishing has gone to complete crap until they are.
My observations are from the NE end of the lake Chaumont/Henderson area. There have been flocks with 200+ birds at times just a black sky of birds.
Last season we had a flock that stuck around all summer out in front of our cottage probably 50 birds.
Thanks definitely helps. You guys changed my mind, now I'm going to have to sit down and figure out what i need and want to do. Sent from my SM-G930V using Lake Ontario United mobile app
The riggers already have the swivel bases so don't really need to swivel any more. I was thinking about adding the dual axis cannonrod holders.
Yeah I was thinking longer would be better in a sense.
I was thinking that but if I were going to mount tracks I would just get them long enough to mount my riggers and extra rod holders to. Maybe just 18" tracks for the dipsy rod holders.
Now what if I used a gimbal mount system instead of the tracks. I have 4 gimbal style rod holders maybe that would be the best of both worlds.
Oh okay, I saw a pavilion looking structure wasn't sure if it were a boat house. Either way that still sucks, we are a little higher up by the river but still seems like we are loosing a good amount of shoreline the last 2 years.
Those only boat houses in the back ground? Looks like they are under a little water. I'm not familiar with the launch but looks like a restaurant under water too?
If I go with tracks I could mount up to 5' track I think, is one brand any better than another? I hear cisco is good. Also are the track accessories all the same no matter the manufacturer? So would big jon accessories mount in cisco tracks and vise versa?
So to start I do a lot of trolling with a little still fishing. I fish for mainly Walleye with some Salmon and Trout mixed in. I run big boards and small boards and usually place those rods in the rocket launchers or the vertical holders. I owned my previous boat for 8 years without tracks and it worked fine for what I was doing. I usually remove the riggers when not in use I have one of the great lakes rocket launcher system that works well for me. I wanted to see what everyone else thinks of tracks. I have the option to mount tracks but not sure I would utilize them. I'd rather not throw money away that I could use on other gear. I know a lot of guys run tracks but I never have so don't know the benefit(s).I could see adding 4 rod holders so I can finally get my dipsy rods flat but not sure if I would need to mount them in a track.