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Everything posted by Chas0218

  1. They missed my sister's deer. No hero shot needed. 2nd biggest taken off our property in 10 years. Green score is 157 with 23" inside spread. Pretty decent for an 8 point. Shot in 8F.
  2. How would a state law from one state be upheld in another? Maybe I'm missing something here....
  3. Little ticked right now. NYSEG just came through a spot near me where the deer travel too and from an AG field they leveled all the brush and weeds they walk through. I haven't seen a deer since. Their timing sucked! Hoping things settle down and they start traveling through there. I haven't seen a deer on my 40 acres in a week. Boy I hope they start to turn on or at least start coming through again. I had a few small rubs and scrapes but they seem to been abandoned. Had this guy and a handful of other small bucks on camera a bunch of times but haven't seen him since they came through. Haven't seen him during the day but if I do I'll decide then whether he gets a pass or not. Betting he scores around 130" with the 2nd main beam, if he is the same one I saw last year he was 120" 8 point last year.
  4. Make sure you use either 4200 or 5200 by 3m. 5200 is permanent and only can be removed physically.
  5. I wouldn't be sealing anything unless I'm completely encapsulating it. If you don't allow it to breath on the bottom where the water will be getting to then it will rot quicker than anything, pressure treated or not. I would just do as the original was it lasted long enough.
  6. There are a few but one that comes to mind is the Pillar Point derby that is opening weekend. I'm not sure if the NYS Summer Classic is CR or not. I can't remember the name of the other one, I doubt you will get the tournament to change their rules or guidelines as it would require a lot more work. I know Pillar Point is a 1 fish deal so that helps so you can cull a couple fish and isn't based on a 1 man limit. Same for the Summer classic I believe. Same goes for all the Nothern and Walleye tournaments up there.
  7. Not all the tourneys are C&R especially the small tourneys ran by the local shops. As far as I know the only C&R tourney on the St. Law. is the bass masters.
  8. No way to really stop it just deal or change direction of the troll. The slower you go the worse it gets.
  9. I just can't bring myself to eat bass when I can get myself some walleye or perch, the perch are on fire right now.
  10. I think starcraft, starweld, smokercraft, and sun chaser have transferable hull warranty to 2nd owner. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  11. Double post.
  12. You have the number? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  13. I just do a wrap around the clip and no issues.
  14. Leave it on land and start to fill the bilge with a hose. Once you get some water in the bilge it should show you where it is coming from. I'm not sure how the stringers and bulkheads are laid out in the boat but could it be water trapped in spots that wouldn't usually allow to drain unless the boat is tossed around? Does the boat seem slower to plane, slower top speed, plowing in the water more? I ask because I wonder if the foam is draining slowly because it absorbed some water. Could be a handful of things but I would consider filling the bottom of the boat to see if water leaks out somewhere. Your thru hull fittings could be crack or the sealant is bad. I wouldn't think it would happen 11 years later but stranger things could happen.
  15. Anyone in the St. Lawrence and jefferson county area should contact their local law enforcement. Sad part is that it's a little late being the season opens this weekend. https://www.dec.ny.gov/about/696.html
  16. I can remember as a kid talking to my father about fishing for bass and his words have stuck with me all the years later. At that point it was illegal to target any species out of season. This C&R crap came about when bass tournaments started getting big. It doesn't help the fishery whatsoever, but I see all these guys even a friend of mine that loves to bass fish do C&R before the season (where it is legal). If you have that kind of passion for something, why try and jeopardize its future? Not really they just donate money I have never actually saw them do anything that helps. They just donate money to conservation where it lines someones pocket it doesn't ever make it back to the fishery. Maybe see if the state parks will "remind" people that come to launch and fish. With the introduction of invasive species like the gobies and similar all bass fishing on Lake ontario and its tributaries should be closed to C&R along with any other lakes where the goby is present. These little bastards will eat up a nest of eggs faster than anything else out there. I have had a big female at the end of my dock for years (no telling it is the same fish) and have watched these A$$hats throw all sorts of artificial lures trying to get bass. I'm happy they don't get close enough to my dock to pull her off the bed.
  17. Nope still illegal. My father in law tells me all the time that they used to be able to go out and catch 100+ bass on a good day now you're lucky to catch 5 or 6. These were all catch and release but still they would crush them. We went out 2 years ago and setup on them did well but those days are maybe once a season kind of thing. Usually late July is when they start to heat up but the fishing isn't what it used to be by any means.
  18. Yup they have been at it for the last 2 weeks over on my side of the bay. I think DEC needs to get out there and start ticketing, yelled out to a guy fishing in front of my dock bass fishing before the season is illegal in jefferson county all I got was a finger. Of course I returned the favor with what I really thought of them. I guess I could get a ticket for harassing a fisherman but worth it in the end.
  19. That just means they will repair it when it breaks it doesn't mean they are any good. There was a person here that had their boat fixed I would be doing some research. Last I knew there was a class action suit against Tracker about this. There isn't a plate aluminum that I would buy for under $30k. If you want plate aluminum look at the west coast builders and prices, there is a reason they cost so much. Sorry but I would never own a Tracker boat even if it was given to me. They are sub-par construction at best. The company knows they have issues but keep manufacturing them that way. I would be looking at Alumacraft, Starweld, Crestliner, SmokerCraft, Starcraft, all of these manufacturers are well known and have lifetime warranties. SmokerCraft and its subsidiaries have the best warranty in the industry, lifetime hull and structure with 6 years on all components, carpet, upholstery, and electronics. How about safety wise too, I wouldn't want to be on that boat when the haul splits. That could be a life or death situation.
  20. PM sent
  21. Chas0218

    Late spawn

    They just throw the eyes back down the hole before the law gets to them. The hard part is being stealthy about it. When you see a guy heading straight at you on a sled for a couple minutes it kind of gives it away about who is coming.
  22. Glad to hear, I will surely do it again but right now I have to concentrate on our house and kids, have to keep the wife happy!
  23. Chas0218

    Late spawn

    Yeah, they try to make sure people are being honest. They have a tough job but the presence helps deter.
  24. We fished the sodus pro/am a couple years ago, it was a great time! Only thing keeping me from doing it again is the cost. I used about 35 gallons of gas in the truck, 70 gallons in the boat, lost some equipment from user error from my greenhorn crew. All in all it was an expensive learning experience. It was fun but tourney fishing really isn't my thing, I would do it again but only if it was closer to my home port (Henderson Harbor) I think the lack of Tournaments on the east end of the lake is pretty sad. Basically if you are any further north than Central square it's going to cost you a lot to get there. One thing I didn't like was the size limit of the boat for Am division. There are a number of 20' boats (Lund, Alumacraft, Crestliner, Starcraft, Starweld) that are more than sea-worthy but could not compete just because of the boat size. Changing the required length to 20' from 21' might allow more people to enter.
  25. I have a 23' walk around and love it. Really thinking about rebuilding it and running it a lot longer. Only other boat I would consider is one of the west coast plate aluminums. King fisher, hewescraft, ect something with a pilot house.
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