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Everything posted by Chas0218

  1. They should mostly be in the rivers. You could troll at the mouths or hit the shipping lanes/trench looking for juvenile salmon.
  2. Love that idea but it won't happen.
  3. I use chrome and will not work...
  4. I think it is a joke, only another way for the state to make more money to piss it away on welfare or some bogus organization. I think they should require it as proof to buy a boat then we might have as many idiots on the water. Here is some food for thought. They already accept proof of boaters safety course by taking these tests online through different organizations and let you print out your certificate. How wrong is that? They should actually water test some of these idiots just like driving a car.
  5. Sweet bear. Did you end up taking a shot at the black bear?
  6. Aint that the truth. They were "management bucks" haha I managed to see 2 coyotes, Scot saw 3, and Cameron saw 2. They are everywhere up there. I think we might make a trip up there for ice fishing and coyote hunting. They were moving in early morning mostly it was tough in the afternoon. With a north wind in the afternoon it was better because the breeze was a little cooler but mornings were the most productive. Saw the coyotes morning and afternoon. To everyone else that posted, thanks! Got some meat for the freezer!
  7. Got these 2nd day of early season up in northern ny. Sent from my thinking chair...
  8. Just saw this one on my Facebook. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/09/25/kerry-signs-un-arms-treaty-senators-threaten-to-block-it/ The government is really starting to over step their boundaries. Sent from my thinking chair...
  9. I didn't want to start a debate but it started so I will contribute like what you have been doing. So you just stated some of the facts I did. Congrats! There were 72 officers killed in 1 year how many unarmed people have been killed? Compare the 2 and you will get my point. Chicago just had 12 people injured in a drive-by shooting just yesterday and I am going to guess it was with a non registered gun(s) and in a no-carry zone. Now this question is only for you Would those same people have done that in an area that allowed concealed carry? Ever heard the expression "It's like shooting fish in a barrel"? You and I will never see eye to eye about this topic as opinions are like butt holes everyone has one.
  10. The only thing gun laws accomplish are to make it harder for law abiding individuals to own guns. They do nothing for criminals, why can't the anti-gun people understand this. Criminals are using guns to kill unarmed individuals, I haven't seen many instances where knowingly armed individuals are being killed by criminals with guns. I would love to know their reasoning behind all of these "efforts" to basically disarm america. And for those that argue weapons of war have changed so should gun rights is utter bull. When the constitution was ratified muskets were carried by citizens and soldiers. Today Assault rifles are carried by soldiers and citizens. As technology changes so will the guns. Today citizens still don't carry the same weapons as the military (unless you have a FFL). These politicians need to get their facts straight and grow a pair to address the real problem.
  11. Anyone else hear about remington picking up and leaving NY? Now NY will be losing jobs over all this bureaucratic gun control crap.
  12. Im with ya there. I hope nothing happens to Obama because I think he would be worse. Biden is the biggest idiot to walk the earth, truly a unless human being.
  13. Please lets not get into the debate whether guns are good or bad just thought some would like to read about a proposed bill about control control. http://www.outdoorhub.com/news/vice-president-biden-announces-two-new-gun-control-actions/?utm_source=SilverpopMailing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Glock%20Talk%20Newsletter%2012%20(1)&utm_content=
  14. I like this. But you should wear pirate hats, launch fish guts from a potato cannon, and have a plank on your boat with a big sign that reads "This is for A$$ holes that think they own the lake!"
  15. From the second picture it looked like it was voids in the gel coat from when the boat was made. I wouldn't worry too much about it and just make sure you have the bottom painted (anti fouling true bottom paint).
  16. The best is when you tell her to follow that boat ahead so she does and it starts to make a turn and she starts to turn with it then you start "yelling at her to drive left or right". Gotta love it.Sent from my thinking chair...
  17. My biggest advice to novice divers "les is more" make smaller corrections because it isn't instant results. Generally they get the hang of it except my one buddy. He locks it out one direction then cranks as hard as he can to opposite lock out. By the way I have cable steering. He truly looks like a monkey f*****g a coconut. Sent from my thinking chair...
  18. My concern isn't being able to steer the fish (you won't be steering anything bigger than a 20lbs. king), it is the ability for the rod to take some of that extra hit and give with the fish. My 8' okuma downrigger rods have the same size tip but different backbone than my 9' Okuma dipsy rods while maintaining same interior rob blank dimensions granted construction plays a role but most over the counter rods are made in the same fashion. So my 8' has less give than my dipsy rod. But having more give in a dipsy rod is a good thing allowing the rod to give with waves and current changes without tripping the dipsy.
  19. There's a season if you want there to be one... Sent from my thinking chair...
  20. OMG where do you have that setup? Maybe provide some GPS coordinates... haha
  21. Did it feel like a large fish? My experience is that when I have a kink in a line or bad knot the fish breaks off almost instantly. Did you have your drag adjusted properly?
  22. I bought a 9'6" heavy dipsy rod from challenged1 on here last year and just got around to using it for my dipsy setup and wow!! I have so much more control with that longer rod. My other rods are 9' and they are a lot nicer than the 8' rods I was using. They always say longer is better....
  23. Thanks guys. I thought it was going to look too small next to the other one but holds his own. 2 years ago I made a 50 yard shot on a perfectly symetrical 120" 10 point he got mounted just for bragging rights. He just looked puny next to my big one.
  24. That is exactly what I was thinking.
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