ive got a niice set o four speedtrol downriggers sitting in garage with no boat. anybody interested and want them throw me a serious offer! 315-718-8389 txt. or email irishbailey86@yahoo.com
the pflueger multi lite spoons with bulldog trademark are PRE 1947...they made them with a block swivel from 31' thru 47'......scoop a couple for the collection while u can.....wont see theese again for a while ecspecciallly these older ones. the new ones have the normal barrel swivels..not these heavy blocks.
All for sale...
mariner homestrand alcohal stove for yachts/ or sailboats...made in larchmount NY....75 obo.
Cannon sport trol downrigger with base and stainless wire. 100 obo.
Flashabou, flashabu accent, kiptail, roosterneck,bucktail:
flashabou $4 a package...lots of colors to chose from
flashabou accent $3.50 a package lots of color choices
kiptail $ 8
green roosterneck $7
pink floro bucktail $6
Pflueger multilite in line spoons...rare OLD...$10 a peice three sizes and blade finishes to choose from and over a dozen of them all together.....
more to come as i get pictures and time to load them. thanks for lookin.
the real suttons come from sutton's outdoor store in NAPLES NY......make the trip its worth it just for the scenery!
only ones u cant get are the heavys...they dont have a sorce for the heavy guage metal they use anymore....so hang on to your old heavys and tie em on TIGHT!!!!
went out on crazy cove this morning did two qwik trolls north then south about 1/4 mile from dock.... used one of my two new/old victrolas that i got this weekend to replace my stolen one! 8( wind up great i put about 500 foot of old dull bare copper on them as the both had monel.....tied on my usual suttons worked a 22 heavy single hook and a 66 flutter single hammered. marked tonnnns of bait @ bottom and up from bottom about 10 to 12 foot thick in 55-75 f.o.w., lots of big markers in and above the bait balls.... and alot of top 20's out oer 75-90 fow... browns n salmons i take it. no takers tho.....didnt feel to ambitious, clouds looked weird and wind was picking up so i called it a day @ 9 ...goood to be on the water tho for a sunrise...its been about two months... the shallow fall bite is coming cant wait!
its all about age...new ugly sticks are mass produced by little asian kids im shure....ive got two ollllld one prolly 20 years old or more with wooden handles theyr 8'6" riggers and they have taken a serious beating....the clearcoat is peeling off the rods theyr so sunbeat. but they still have alot of fight left in them.....its two different games with new vs old uglys the new ones are junk...the whooooole lineup not just rigger rods. they arnt like they used to be. plain and simple...just another example of how corp. structure and big buisness ruin american products...mass production with no quality control and cheip materials....
reeealy! ... ive caught them as big as 30- 35 inches, seen bigguns surface over 40 inches in montezuma@ mays pt. they do put on a show dont hate! and they are an awsome fish prehistoric lookin lol
welcome to the club....seems fishing equipt. is the new hot item on crackheads lists!.....lost my cherrrished victrola recently....someone had the nerve to open up my contractor cap on my tundra and help themselves to it.....its kept me up a night or two drinking! lol hard to replace somthing thats over 100 years old and has caught u literally hundreds of trout and LLs and made memories that are ireplacable......hope these theives get caught...
yessir...thanks neo...what do u want for it....i can make my own box to fit my fancy!...this site is the best what a good group of people always willing to help!