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Everything posted by BSmaster

  1. Somebody posted a pic of year or so ago on the buck that they didn't find until after a large pack of yotes stripped it to the bone. I believe it was in Broome county. I work with a guy from Owego and I wanted to show him the pic. Does anybody remember that thread? Thanks
  2. Black Friday sales at Gander usually have a good ocassional use style for around $50. I have one and wouldn't use it for an often use grinder but for once or twice a year, I am happy with it. I can not guarantee it will be a sale item though...
  3. You are living my dream Kevin. I can't get myself to duck hunt because there is just too much going on. Family and work suffer as it is without it. Good luck.
  4. Pap, My Dad had the 8N and My grandfather had the Jubilee. The 8N was rebuilt wrong and we sold it after he passed to a neighbor who restores them as a hobby. We could have bought it back but didn't think we needed both tractors. They are excellent tractors and that is why even big farms still keep them around. They are excellent for the lighter duty chores. Hank, I sent you a PM. For those of you who have strong opinions to keep this on topic. For LOU relevancy - We use to use these tractors before ATVs became popular to drag deer out. Later on we used them for food plots. I am pretty sure I could drive it to the river bank and fish off of it too but it never occurred to me to do so.
  5. I thought he was joking. If it was malitious then the answer would be neither. That is a very nice buck - good luck on your quest.
  6. I don't know if it is such a bad idea. I have a question about 1953 Jubilee and do not want to join another forum but wasn't sure how to ask it on here although I bet there is some good advice to be had about it if I could. But I am ok with keeping this purely fishing/boating/hunting/trapping.
  7. True Les. I have been sworn to secrecy several times this year as I take lessons from jedi masters. It always comes with a story about how somebody abused the information and ruined it. I gave up my secret bullhead honey hole last year and it got abused and this year I went without bullheads. I can survive without them, however, that was my experiment to see if it makes a difference and it can. Some people have no idea what conservation is. I will share info, usually, but I am extremely protective of anything now that I think is susceptible to misuse and not just online - I keep secrets from family now too. It is difficult to promote any fishery without some negative impact. This site is full of lurkers who offer nothing to the subject matter and usually nothing to the fishery. Some enjoy reading the reports/seeing pics and some just looking for valid info to exploit. I am not a terrible perch fisherman and I am not a terrific perch fisherman. Those are my totals. I don't think it is a good bite yet. My perch almanac says 2 weeks. Joe
  8. Spent a 1/2 day on Seneca on Friday and caught a total of 0. Spent a 1/2 day on Keuka on Saturday and caught a total of 6.
  9. I heard they are making a comeback next year or the year after. (I miss them too)
  10. So is Keuka St Park. Get up early if it is a problem.
  11. I agree with a good hatch. Congrats on the harvest.
  12. No. I heard he is not doing it anymore. I can ask somebody I know that knows him to find out for sure.
  13. Bow hunting Elk in Grizzly country. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/10/04/grizzly-bear-mauling/73333344/
  14. I haven't started yet. Excellent story to go with an excellent buck. It is getting me amped up to get out there.
  15. Very cool
  16. I apologize if this is a repeat but I just saw this yesterday for the first time even though it is a year old. It is pretty cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcIkQaLJ9r8
  17. Congratulations!
  18. I do not trust the state when it comes to stocking efforts. I know people in the field are doing good work but it is the decision makers that I do not trust. They make policy decisions and then back fill it with justification to fit their agenda (I am guessing it is political). In my opinion, it is necessary to keep the balance in the lake such that the alewives do not over populate. This is done by adding predators. If predators are harvested, they need to be replaced. Simple fluid dynamics. The in and out has to be in a steady state. I apologize if I offended anyone. I think we all want the same end game. Joe PS. I have only fished this lake once so I do not have the experience or time investment that a lot of you have. BUT, I will also say that since my last time I have been thinking about making a summer trip in the near future where I spend the whole weekend fishing it. Not just walleye, but bass and pan fish too. It truly is a nice fishing lake and while I think it is too difficult for me to make a day of it, I would consider staying there for several days. I was very much impressed with my experience there. So much so that I thought about spending time on Owasco and Skaneatles too - 2 FLs I have yet to fish. A perfect example of why I still heart NY - Opportunity.
  19. I respect you opinion. I just don't agree with it. The only fish in that lake that may suffer are the tigers. Again the 90/10. Throw 20 more boats out there - only 2 of them will be catching walleyes. The rest will be wondering why there aren't any fish in the lake. There is a big bit fest on Trib page about DSR having a section of stream that they control and can charge or deny to other fisherman and it is legal. The logic is that our licenses pay for the hatchery so they shouldn't be allowed to benefit from it which is opposite of this issue. I get it but the feeling I get from your concern is that Otisco is a hidden gem and that it should remain under the radar. That is ok but, from what I have read in Justin's comments over the years is that he is trying to keep the lake visible so it gets more fish. The state won't spend money so a few privileged people get to reap those benefits. Can't have it both ways. So to simplify, Otisco shouldn't get state dollars for put and take species if it isn't available for all license holders. If it was a restoration project, I would be totally on your side. It just isn't. I don't think it is right to have state dollars used to stock a private lake. Yes to stocking numbers being increased. Definitely.
  20. Don't worry about the launch and the extra boats. The 90/10 rule still applies. To your point - Bassholes generate more money than walleye anglers and $$ is all Albany cares about. I was fortunate to fish it this year and it is a really nice fishery so I get the concern that it may be ruined/altered but it makes sense that a state launch is put in.
  21. If you want a non tourny, non troller's opinion, here it goes. I would buy a raffle ticket for a chance to win a boat but I won't get a 2 man team together to participate in the tourney because of a 1 in 100-500 chance to win a boat. Are the odds right? I don't gamble either. I am trying to understand the logistics of it and it seems hard to do something that large on Canandaigua. Other than that, it is a pretty cool idea. Whatever you decide, good luck with it.
  22. Sunday!!! Best full moon of the year for me historically.
  23. I just saw this today. I think it is interesting that percy the perch is left alone while Tommy the Trout gets whacked. http://www.wideopenspaces.com/incredible-underwater-footage-northern-pike-attacking-lures-video/?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=WOS_NewDaily_9.21%20-%20wos%20sup%20shooting%2C%20TX%2C%20OR%2C%20FL%2C%20MI-&utm_term=WOS%20Main%20Production
  24. I like reports where you feel like you are right there while you are reading them. Sounds like it was a good time. Too bad you don't have time to edit film you could mount a gopro on that rocket launcher you have. I bet that would be entertaining. I'll wait for the pics.
  25. I am half way thru my 3rd year of sobriety but before that I was a classic beer snob and I would say that the best beer is by far the hardest thing to determine. I have made beer that I thought about dumping because I didn't like the flavor and my friends drank it up. To each their own - there is no right or wrong answer. MHEO: As far as IPA's go... I did a massive taste test about 5 years ago and 90minute is the best by far. Blue moon (No produce) taste better iced cold and Belgians taste better out of a large snifter served just below room temp. I have more advice but I need to be drinking to tap into it and that will not happen for another 2.5 years. I have a Belgian Quad waiting for me that I made several years ago. Yes high gravity beer can be cellered like fine wine. I can not keep up with all of the new microbreweries and brew pubs these days. But that is ok, I am saving money for more material things and hopefully saving my life. Beer is proof that God loves us. Enjoy - but not too much at once...
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