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Everything posted by copperpin

  1. Thanks Dan. I can attest to Port of Rochester being hairy. I launched there yesterday. Army Corps was there too putting a boat in. It appeared that they were doing soundings for the McKie cement freighter, who was staged at the mouth waiting to come in. I don’t know if she was able to. I have never seen it this low in the spring.
  2. I have a couple questions for you all. Is it worth removing the front treble off of a stick bait. And what terminal tackle to use when running spoons and when running stick baits. I already use a #8 spro between mainline and leader. I have used duolock snaps w/out swivel at the lure end but wondered if I should use a snap swivel there too. Thanks
  3. So the inflows are average, current lake level is below average and outflow is above average. Why can't they just leave things alone and go back to the way it was pre-proposition 2014?
  4. You are oh so right. Good idea sensei. Thx
  5. Thanks Rich, That's what I figured. I was going to go down tomorrow but I'm not about to destroy the keel of my boat. Maybe I should bring waders and anchor it in the creek while I park. Wouldn't that be a sight.
  6. Has anyone launched out of Bear Creek yet? I checked it out last week and with the water so low, it looked real sketchy. There didn't appear to be anywhere to tie off without destroying your boat.
  7. Holy crap Les. I'd be calling the law enforcement for sure.
  8. Construction renovation
  9. Good guy and good family. Sorry to hear. Thoughts and prayers
  10. Trib reg. 1 Steelie 25", 1 Brown.
  11. Im not a pro by any stretch of the imagination but my 2 cents is 10lb or 12lb Seagur red label.
  12. Fixed all the way for all the reasons Nautitroller listed. I started off many many years ago shooting Muzzy 100 three blade. Killed a lot of deer with them but tuning was always a long process. Then expandables came on the market and I tried several including spitfires and rages. Lost quite a few deer that I put good hits on for a lot of reasons. Ie penetration, poor blood trails, didn't open etc. I went back to shooting fixed heads and haven't looked back. The short fixed blade broadheads fly really well out of a well tuned bow. My personal preference are Slick Tricks 100 gr 1 1/8" cutting dia. but there are a ton of good ones out there. You have to put the time in, tune the bow and practice. Then be patient and take a good shot. Do yourself and the deer the favor. My 2 cents
  13. copperpin

    Ibay 9/29

    Did Port Bay yesterday. Terrible. Water is still too warm. 67deg yesterday. This weeks rain and dropping temps will get things going.
  14. The launch is open but the docks aren't. They are still under water.
  15. Dipiazza, What is the white rod extending up from your planers boards? I assume to keep the line from catching the water
  16. I sent you a PM
  17. How about an offer. this would make a great back trolling reel
  18. Here is food for thought, how about raising non-resident license fees and put more of that money toward pen rearing and other such programs. Higher rates will keep some of the butchers off of the tribs who are some of the major offenders. Close the season is a very selfish plan. There are stream guides out there too, who try to make a buck too. It isn't all about the lake anglers.
  19. My 2 cents, I agree with you. All to often fish are over played and improperly released only to go belly up downstream. A few years ago I read a length article on catch and release mortality rates. If I can find it, Ill post it. It was very interesting and if I remember correctly the mortality rate was quite high.
  20. We have ice ladies and gents. Your going to need an auger
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