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DJ 17

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Everything posted by DJ 17

  1. We added a couple days of fishing to our honeymoon as well. One day on the Kenai for Kings and another in Cook inlet for Halibut. It was awesome! I was also in Seward as part of our "land cruise" spent a few days in Resurrection bay, spent a whole day on kayaks around the islands. Its a beautiful place. Make sure you book a fishing trip I would go back in a heartbeat! We put our 2 days of fishing at the end of our trip so we didn't have to deal with as many logistical situations. As far as getting our fish home here is what we did. The processor cleaned, flash froze it and packed it in 50 # airline approved coolers with dry ice. We checked all of our fish as our luggage on the plane and mailed our dirty laundry home because it was much much lighter.
  2. NBK!
  3. TC Omega thumbhole here as well, with a Nikon BDC muzzleloader scope on top. 250 gr shockwave in a super glide sabot. 150 gr of 777 pellets. Have had it for 10 years. Works great. When I run out of 77 pellets I will try the Blackhorn 209 powder though.
  4. Justin, How long have you had the barrel deresesonator on there? I put one on my Tikka 7-08 this year and have seen minimal if any positive results. I'm assuming from the position of the coil on your barrel that it is free floated? Did you try out different positions on the barrel or keep it right there?
  5. Do you have any suggestions as to who is manufacturing a rifle that fast? Or is it strictly a custom request?
  6. This guy understands what it is really all about. Make sure you can hear all that is being said. He is appreciative and is truly a good representative of what this sort of thing means to many of us. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVF8TjTBSY0
  7. I like the list except for the last one by Carson. Why include that ?
  8. Well said. Any idea who the author was?
  9. I really like the look of the TC Icon, but I don't think they are in production anymore. I have a buddy that has one in 30 TC and loves it. Anyone have a TC Venture? How well does it shoot? How is the trigger?
  10. Justin, Thanks for the feedback. I know having a gun that shoots both light and heavy well is mostly a pipe dream, so I am willing to give up the lighter bullets to shoot the heavier ones better out of a faster barrel. I don't get to chase predators much so pelt damage isn't a huge concern for me. On the off occasion that I do get to go out and hike and call I would rather have a rifle that is enjoyable to handle.
  11. Nice. Make sure you put those horns on the wall one way or another.
  12. At this point I am going to stay with the 22-250 cartridge since I have all the reloading equipment. I do appreciate all opinions on different rifles. Justin and Whaler, Which model savage do you guys have?
  13. I have a Howa 1500 Thumbhole heavy barrel in 22-250. Its inside a bottle cap at 200 yds but its no fun to carry. I am going to stay with the 22-250 cartridge, just looking at different platforms at the moment. I am looking for feedback on triggers and rate of twist. My Howa is 1:14 and will not shoot heavier bullets well. If I get something else it will have to have a faster barrel and a good trigger. I would consider trading the one I have in the right situation. Thoughts?
  14. I may be interested in the transducer if you split it up
  15. I got this guy on Tuesday 11/22. I was using my grandfathers Pre-64 Model 70 in .270 which he purchased new in 1947. He told me when I was very young that this rifle would be mine when he was "done with it", so to shoot a nice buck with it obviously means a lot. I know the 2nd pic is blurry but I put it in anyway because its my twin 5 yr olds helping make sausage out of that buck. 4 generations involved in this hunt. Grandfather's rifle ( he passed away in 2000), my dad dragged the deer out with a tractor, and then my kids helping to process. The first 3 times I saw this buck during bow season my son was with me. To say he was excited when he saw it in the truck would be a rather large understatement!
  16. I bought one for my 75 yr old father for his birthday. Like you said they are hard to shoot off hand. The trigger is VERY heavy due to the necessity of holding back the immense draw weight. It takes so much force to pull the trigger that you invariably pull yourself off target. They are also very front heavy which at first doesn't sound all bad but we all know what its like trying to stay steady off hand with a gun let alone the added weight of a crossbow. The second thing that I believe gets overlooked consistently is range estimation. Once you get out past 30 yds it becomes exponentially more difficult to judge distances accurately, thus the ratio of poor shots increase. Get a rangefinder!
  17. That boat is awesome.
  18. If you have cover they will come!
  19. Hillary now has time to rent the upcoming Star Wars Sequel: The Deplorables Strike Back!
  20. First time for everything.... From Friday afternoon through Sunday morning, I saw the same 3 or 4 year old shooter 12 TIMES within 80 yds and was never offered a shot. Twice he was inside 30 yds. It was a very exciting weekend, but at the same time completely frustrating. I sat all day Saturday and saw him 6 different times but every time it was just one little thing that went in his favor. For example, he was following a doe Sunday morning that went through 2 of my shooting lanes. He starts on a trail that will take him across the lane at about 35 yds. As he gets about ten feet from the lane he angles away and comes out at 56 yds walking away. When stuff like that happens once or twice you just chalk it up to "it happens" but when it happens that many times in that short of time span you start to wonder what it takes to get it done?? I tried calling, scents, etc but nothing changed his travel. I guess what really has me bummed is that my bow season is over due to job commitments, etc... Had to vent I guess. Ranting over
  21. Me Too. Frustrating for sure
  22. Ouch
  23. Is that Tri-ducer off of the fish hawk?
  24. In that tail gate pic he looks like a civil war general with the beard and mustache! He has got a ton of character!
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