If your talking dipsys I let them creep out and then when they get to depth I turn the drag just enough to stop it from going out. If riggers for me they are a little tighter trying to eliminate blow back and keep them loaded.
Wanted to go for kings started out deep at 220ft trolled out to 340 nothing on the graph,started back in took a small king on a 10 color led core with chicken wing spoon probably only 4 pounds.Trolled into 120 very few marks on the graph.So we headed back out took the 20 pound king in 190ft of water on a 175 wire dipsy it was a green Mountain Dew spin doctor and a green hammer fly. Had two other releases on the led core but ,nothing was there.All and all happy going 2 for 4.
Fished today went 2 for 5 with 2 kings 22 and 25 lbs. set up in 120 ft and troll to 160 and back..... Running 65 to 85 on riggers and wires set up at 175 and 225.
Fish today from 6am till 11am went 2 for 5 ...... Caught one on green mahi glow on the rigger down 75 the second king came on wire out 200 with a white spin doctor and green hammer fly all fish caught between 130 and 160 feet of water. Post pics later need to set it up to post.
Sk8man you must be getting old you're sounding a little grumpy, must be time for a knapp ..... Just kidding but I feel anything that can help is worth a try.
New to the smart phone thing, but I have been searching for apps that will help me on the lake. I first loaded a lake gps app from Navionics, this will work as a back up to my bird or to review later on this site or wherever I am. This app cost ten bucks but I think it will be worth it. Other apps were fishing knot tying, dipsy troller, boatUS and Lake Ontario United my favorite app..... lol. Just wondering what apps u use, like the most and which ones are not worth the money. Should have asked first, before buying some but didn't think of it.