Bullbuster Line
Does anyone have experience with Bullbuster? I have been curious about the company since seeing advertising during the Salmon Showdown series...just wondering on quality of their line etc.
I live in ontario about 30 minutes away from the border. Is there any ad posted for this boat? Price? Photos? Contact info? Would be very interested if it falls into budget...
Thanks! These are the boats I have already been searching for, Ocean Yachts, Viking, Hatteras, Luhrs, and even some of the older trojans have the lines that he is looking for. My mother in law isn't big on fishing...so the issue is buying a boat large enough and comfortable enough for her and my wife while we fish. Personally, I've always wanted an 11m trojan or a 36 open tiara...however, my mother in law wants a salon. She doesn't want to go "down below"...which is why this style of boat with a fly bridge is preferred.
Flybridge Fishing Boat
Looking for 30-40 ft fishing boat with flybridge. My father in law is thinking about upgrading this season, and with much consideration has decided that this is the right style of boat for him. I'm not really having any luck finding anything
I found Okuma Convector 20D reel on sale for 99 dollars here in Canada. The majority of our reels at 30's, 45's and 55's. Our current downrigger reels are 30's but I'd like to use these for different set ups.
My question is, are the 20D reels suitable for downrigger reels? I believe they will hold plenty of line - they say 201yds of 20lb test - gear ratio is 5.0.1. I believe.
We have reached a point now where we pretty much have tackle everywhere. We have multiple boxes, bags, paddle boxes, spin doctor boxes, special mate tackle boxes and what seems like ten thousand rods.
What do you do to store everything? How do you organize things? How do you organize spoons -by size, colour, style, brand?
We have pool noodles with various types of leaders, fly leaders, meat rigs etc.
I guess I'm just looking for some tips in order to get ready for the tournament season ahead
So I have a 300 Copper on an Okuma CV55 - I purchased spro heavy swivels, size 4 rated for 240lb test...these were slightly too big. The only other swivels they had at the store were spro size 5 power swivels rated for 120lbs. Will these be enough? I guess the size is making think bigger would be stronger.
To tie to these swivels, I just do a haywire twist with copper to swivel? Also, which size shrink wrap works best for this?
Would love any tips or advice you could give me
I just have a quick question. We switched both of our dipsy rods to wire this year. I remember reading somewhere that you can add a short length of mono after the wire, so that you can reel all of the wire into the reel, and then break the rod in two for storage so you don't kink the line...although doesn't this sort of defeat the purpose of the wire? or is it best to just reel the line until the swivel reaches the tip of the rod?
Also, what knots are you using to the swivel?