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Everything posted by Ric66

  1. Thanks for that! I'm still licking my wounds...
  2. Also fished Sandy at first light. While setting up my dispy rod salmon hit and took a lot of line out. On its second run hook came out, which didn't surprise me as he hit while the drag was loose to let line out so I could get my other rods in the water. Thought is was going to be a good day but could only manage one other small salmon. Very frustrating day. Fished from 120 to 300. Don't know if I should have stayed shallow or gone off shore.
  3. I fished out of Sandy and even had them caked on my dipsy wire rods. Never seen them so bad. I have flea flicker line that I bought years ago but I don't use it. I believe blood run makes a sea flea line??? Yeah, agree. Flea flicker line wasn't great- tended to get twisted.
  4. I think we saw you guys at the launch. I tried to use bigger baits to keep the skips off. The other thing was fleas were getting bad. I even had them on my wire dipsy rods.
  5. Started fishing around 6am and set up in 125ft. Ran two riggers one with f and one with mag spoon. Ran two dipsy with ff. Mag dipsy took first couple of hits; lost first one but second was a nice 18lb king. Things slowed so put out two coppers with spoons and started seeing action again. Two small kings and a small brown. Broke off two kings when they got tangled in the wire dipsy. I’ve tried a meat rig with no success last three times out but willing to try again with a mussel head rig with blue powder SD on a rigger set at 85. 10 minutes later it goes off and peels line. This one also got tangle in the dipsy but we managed to net it. 24lb king. Ended up 5 for 8. Most fish had one or two eels attached. They were given burial at sea honors.
  6. I will take the four dual axis rod holders. I can pick them up tomorrow if you are available. can text me at 585-362-6510
  7. Hi Woody. You won't regret your purchase of a fish hawk! It will really help with the learning curve. Now the bad news. It's not as easy as finding this or that temperature and parking your rigger there. It will depend on many factors such as time of day, season, bait fish, where you are marking fish, is cold water on the top or all through the water column, mood of fish etc. Other guys who know a lot more than me can chime in, but if you are looking for generalities, find out where the thermocline is and fish in and below as a starting point and down to as low as 42 degree water. For spoons and flies I would say 2 to 2.5, But some spoons can run at higher or lower speeds. Check their action by the boat. For flies I've found 2.2 works but it will also depend on the length of your fly leader. And if you aren't getting hit, speed up and slow down, make turns until you find the right combination. Lot of trial and error. These are just things that have worked for me.
  8. After ready Gator’s report had second thoughts about going out but I had to do some bunk work on the trailer and have been having issues with the kicker, so decided to go. Launched and headed west in about 200ft. Put a meat rig down about 150 and mag spoon down 120. Marked fish deep so put riggers there. Kicker conked out after half an hour so used the big motor. Put out a dipsy on 2 setting out 275 with FF and shortly after got hit with a coho. Set it out again and same thing. This time could tell it was a better fish. Got tangled in my downrigger but able to net it. Always an adventure netting salmon on your own. Fished 3 hours total. Nice night to be out
  9. We fished from 4-7:30 this evening. Lots of dink salmon. 10 lead core with mag carmel dolphin was the only rod that got a decent teenage king. We probably trolled quite a bit with smaller salmon on our boards without knowing it. Mostly fished 125 to 145. Very few boats out. Water temp was 56 on top, 46 degrees down about 70feet.
  10. I did that right away after reading someone else's post about legacy vs advanced. Good to know my motor is working same as others. seeyawader, I used to clean my fish in the kitchen but finally had to put a sink in the basement so I could clean them there. Now everybody is happy
  11. Sorry about that pap. My wife took that in our dining room. You can tell she likes modern art from the painting on the wall. Me? Not so much. I think this is going to be a great year for salmon fishing. When I fished out of Olcott during the derby the depth finder screen was lit up with fish.
  12. It’s from Ecsboats.com. Basically extends the skeg already on the motor
  13. I'm going to try and put a skeg on and see if I can use a lower setting. I'll let you know how it works.
  14. That's the speed I had mine at. I was hoping I could get by with it at 1 or 2 setting to save battery power. Also looking into the possibility of a skeg to help the motor. I have a 17 foot aluminum boat with a 5 hp kicker
  15. Pap. what setting do you have the TM set on?
  16. Got to the launch around 5pm and it was deserted. Not a good sign I thought. I knew most of the salmon were still on the west side but wanted to try out my new terrova trolling motor so catching fish would just be a bonus. Definitely a learning curve using the i-Pilot. Trolling motor would get over powered by my kicker if I didn’t have the TM set on at least 4. Got the hang of it and had a rigger release after awhile. Started taking line out so thought it could be a salmon but turned out to be a big laker. Put out a 10 color LC with mag Carmel dolphin on planer board and got a small salmon that I ended up giving to a woman fishing on the bank. Let out the core again and within a few minutes got another hit this time with the planner board being dragged backwards. Finally got enough line in to take the board off and landed this guy. Was fishing in 125 to 140. Was about 53 degrees on surface and 46 down over a hundred feet. Ended up 3 for 3. Very pleasant day on the water.
  17. I've now install my bow mounted trolling motor. Wondering where do you put the rudder on? I've seen ones attached to the shaft but then how do you stow it on its bracket? And this question is from left field but why aren't there sacrificial anodes on a trolling motor? I believe I've read they do put them on ones used for salt water.
  18. Thanks guys. Very helpful information!
  19. Thanks for the info chowder. I think I've considered most of the things you mentioned. I will be using a kicker for propulsion and the TM for direction. I've heard people put a rudder on the TM to save battery power. I've also learned the hard way (wasted money). The best way I've found to make decisions like this is to talk to others who have similar boats/set ups.
  20. Thanks for the feedback Frogger. It's hard for me to believe the answer hasn't already been determined and it would be standard for all trolling motors. Probably because everybody's boat is wired differently. I guess the best thing is to try it one way and if I see interference, change it.
  21. Hi, I'm retiring at the end of this year and my plan was to buy a bow mounted trolling motor with ipilot and spot lock as my reward for the 30 years I've put in at my work. Well, I said the hell with it, if I'm going to buy one anyway might as well buy it now. The question I have is with regards to the TM battery. My boat comes equipped with a plug at the bow. Do I have to worry about connecting my starting and TM battery's negative posts or just keep the batteries isolated? I'm worried about the electrolysis between my aluminum boat, the starting battery and all that is connected to it, and the trolling motor when it is in the water. I've searched online and everyone seems to have a different opinion. Am I overthinking this?
  22. I also have one but its about 6 years old.
  23. Thanks Les and NYbassin. I got my boat stuck in that muck one year not knowing the south launch got so shallow. Luckily I was able to use my boat hook to push myself out to deeper water. Never used the Union Springs launch. I'm assuming if parking has been full, the perch fishing must be pretty good. I want to take some friends fishing who've had limited fishing experience-and would rather take them to Cayuga where I'm pretty confident we'll have good action as opposed to taking them to Lake Erie where it can be hit or miss, not to mention the seasickness possibility.
  24. Anyone launch out of the State Park recently? How is the water level and are the docks in? Thanks.
  25. Also North end of Cayuga Lake in the channel. Sodus and Port bay are good also like regulator mentioned. If you go to Cayuga, be prepared for pickerel.
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