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Everything posted by cdq

  1. Still tying a bunch. Shoot me a message if you’re interested. Pricing and components are above.
  2. Sent you a text.
  3. A few years ago I started to use death rigs on my flies and meat rigs, and had great success with them since. Thought I’d see if anyone would be interested in ordering some. I am in the process of tying them for next season and I enjoy tying them. Fly rigs - 2 5/0 gamakatsu octopus hooks - 3 6mm beads - approx 36in of 50lb fluoro - tubing 10 rigs for 40$ Meat rigs - 2 4/0 gamakatsu octopus hooks - approx 30in of 50lb fluoro 10 rigs for 20$ The meat rigs are mean’t to go on the back of a twinkie rig with a swivel. I can tie clean meat rigs and fly rigs of desired length for extra. I accept Apple Pay, Venmo, or PayPal and will mail you your order. If you’re in the Rochester area we can meet for delivery. Shoot me a message if you are interested.
  4. Glad that worked out for you! Stay in touch!
  5. Was running single trebles on my rigs and was having trouble last season. Got a tip to run 2 single octopus hooks I haven’t looked back since
  6. This is what we’ve been seeing lately specifically off of Sandy. Hope all is well hope to run into you at Oswego soon!
  7. Great job guys was ecstatic when he sent me the picture of it laying in the boat!
  8. Spring time in Wilson we run wire slide divers with the standard weight and ring, once we get back to Sandy in the summer time we break out the mag weight and rings. By far our hottest setup throughout the season for everything kings, steelhead, lakers
  9. If you could please call the number I messaged you that’s be greatly appreciated
  10. cdq

    for sale : usa WANTED SPOON

    Thanks Rob, He’s the first person I went to just wanted to see if anyone had the originals as well
  11. Looking for anyone who might have some original FLT mag Diehard spoons in the “radiation” blank.
  12. Been busy and haven’t had the chance to get a report up from Saturday out of Sandy fishing the MCOC. 3rd place finish with a 67.69lb box scoring 117.69 points. Our confidence off of Sandy during the summertime is in the offshore waters between the pump house and the mouth of the creek. So we went with what we were confident in and got an offshore program going. 26-28N line between 350-500 feet of water with the best water being 390-450. Riggers parked at 103 and 85 with pinned cheaters 10ft above the bottom spoon. Wire slide divers 170-200 took all of our big king bites. Long lines did not get touched all day. Temp 42-44 degrees down 103. Speed was fast 2.8-3.2 down 103. N to S troll was the best direction couldn’t get any bites trolling E or W Steady action all day. Boated at least 20 fish, had a lot of steelhead in the fun 6-8lb class. We lost two majors that we needed. All spoon bite. Had two meat rigs, and a FF out during the day that never took a poke. Doubles were a common theme including a triple. By far the best spoon was a mag silver streak black fin tuna had that going on the deep rigger and both divers. We knew we had a decent box especially since the fishing leading up to the tournament was spotty but never would have thought it was a 3rd place box. Congrats to Rochester SF on the first place finish and Team Legacy on 2nd. Also to all the other winners. This was our first ever team tournament and I can definitely understand the addiction behind it. We exceeded our goal which was just to have fun and try to box 5 fish! Can’t wait for the shootout and we will definitely be fishing the MCOC again next year!
  13. Hi Brian, you know I am always up for an alewife condition talk! Or a good PSD talk. I think a good topic to talk about is alewife PSD, I would think we’d talk about more as a relative size distribution maybe based off of year class statistics because there isn’t gablehouse lengths for alewife (at least that I know of). Always love native coregonid talks.
  14. Warrior UV White Pearl in the regular size Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Fished with a couple buddies who are new to trolling the big lake. (They were out yesterday and only did 3 browns) My buddy asked me for help so my girlfriend and I joined them today. Set up out front of Ibay in 10fow trolled East. Fished all the way past 4 mile with a slow pick by 11:30 had 6 browns in the boat. Girl friend wanted to see if we could get her first laker went out to 40fow and set up. Got her first laker. Came back in and set up in 10fow and had a steady pick of cookie cutter browns between Webster Park and Cowsucker. Last fish of the day came in 20fow on a bayrat dirty goose 80ft behind the board. Came out of the release big head shakes and 500 feet peeled off the counter in a heartbeat and popped off (we all know what it was)! Called it right then and there. Finished with 15-20 fish, water temp 33.5-36.6, speed 1.8-2.4!IMG_2230.HEIC Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. My dad ran an 89 212 for close to 25 years before we sold it a few years ago, it’s a true fish catching machine! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  17. https://www.wunderground.com/MAR/LO/043.html
  18. Could run a slide diver to allow for a longer lead to increase stealth in your spread. On our boat we run a wire slide diver. Take the wire and create a surgeons loop or a non-slip loop knot at the end and crimp the tag end to main line, loop it into a barrel swivel (barrel swivel needs to be big enough to withstand the pressure while trolling but small enough to fit through the line guide on the reel). Then attach a piece of 45-50lb mono ~50ft long. Put the slide diver on along with rubber or plastic tubing to be placed in the release to not allow fraying from the diver sliding. Place a bead between the diver and end of the mono. Now here are the options... can put either another barrel swivel on and attach an ~5ft piece of 20lb florocarbon to a snap swivel... or at the end of the mono attach a snap swivel then your flasher/meat set up. This allows you to run a longer lead behind the diver without having to run a long leader and I think gives more stealth to the presentation.
  19. This was for research, we helped a USGS scientist who has been conducting this study for the past 15 years. We picked the fish from nets and put them straight in the live well on the boat, to be processed. This is the only reason why photos were taken for research. It is illegal to take Sturgeon out of the water and take pictures with otherwise. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. This past Tuesday a fellow classmate and I had the opportunity to help USGS pull nets on the lower Genesee River. The EPA has 45 AOCs in the Great Lakes the Genny being high on that list. This study has been going on for the past 15 years all in efforts to help restore Lake Sturgeon populations in Lake Ontario. I have done a lot of amazing things during my time at Finger Lakes Community College with a Major of Fish and Wildlife Technologies with a focus on fisheries. This is by far the most amazing, I never thought in a million years I’d be holding these prehistoric jewels! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Thank you, we are very proud of what we have done as a class this semester, this has been an annual event/class since 2000, and the fry survival rate after release is a guessing game Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. No unfortunately too much work for the time frame of the semester and students graduating Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. We had a very successful hatch of eggs this last week on Tuesday! All fry were released back into the Honeoye inlet channel the next day, and Thursday we shut down the culture facility! Video will be made soon showing the whole process from broodstock collection to spawning and taking care of the eggs! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  24. Got a late start this morning with my girlfriend, fished in front of the pump house and found a pocket of 45 degree water in 15 feet of water and we didn’t move finished 12-15 with mainly cookie cutters, however did managed a few nicer class of fish! Lost a King which probably took 250-300 feet of line on its first run. Hot baits were all bayrats, yankee troller took 80% of the fish, ridin dirty, and coho crusher took a few shots. Also got fish on the Helsinki, and jointed j-11 black and copper! Long lines 75-100 feet back, 50-60 off the in-lines. Great first trip! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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