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Everything posted by Poles293

  1. Tentatively sold pending sea trial
  2. Thank you, I was unaware of that. The boat and trailer have never seen road salt. As soon as there’s a break in the weather I’ll get it in and get that checked. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  5. It doesn’t have an hour meter. Im not sure some years I got out more than others. It is meticulously taken care of. I used the electric trolling motor most of the time for walleye or brown trout fishing. Always garaged and I changed the oil every fall with synthetic and the lower unit fluid and gas filter before winterizing. If I used it more in the spring I would change the oil in June also. I have a bit of OCD when it comes to oil changes. It’s never seen corn gas, always ethanol free. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  6. Poles293

    Sold / Closed 2012 Crestliner 1850 Raptor

    For Sale; 2012 Crestliner 1850 Raptor 115 Mercury Four Stroke Outboard Matching Crestliner Trailer with folding tongue MinnKota 24 volt Terrova Trolling Motor with IPilot Custom canvas bimini with Eisenglass enclosure This boat was purchased new from Silver Lake Marina, and used exclusively on Ontario and Erie. It is a one owner vessel, that has been well maintained. It has been trailered and stored inside the garage its entire life. The Crestliner is loaded with all top end equipment, and set up specifically for trolling Ontario Salmon and Erie Eyes. Included extras as follows: 4 removable swivel seats (2) Scotty electric riggers on pedestal track mounts (2) Traxtech ratchet adjustable rod holders (2) Traxtech 3 rod trees Full length Cisco Tracks (2) Amish Outfitters trolling bags (2) VMax AGM Trolling batteries (new 2019) Interstate starting battery (new 2019) On-board charging syatem Lowrance HDS 7 on Ram Mount FishHawk X4D Bluetooth model vests anchor ropes Fully outfitted with tackle for salmon/trout or walleye. this setup is turnkey ready for salmon or walleye fishing. rods/reels lead core copper stainless wire spoons plugs flahers flies nets planer board mast big boards inline salmon boards line terminal tackle Sea trials will be made available to serious buyers who have made an offer. Relocating to Florida and want to find a new home for this well equipped fish catcher. PM me with questions. $22500.
  7. Tube rod holders are sold pending payment Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. The cradles are sold pending payment Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  9. For sale are 6 Cisco Rod Holders. 4 black tube style rod holders and 2 blue short cradle (dispey) style rod holders. The tube rod holders are in excellent condition. The cradle rod holders are in very good condition with a few nicks on top of the cradle that are cosmetic only. The tube rod holders are: $70 each The cradle rod holders are: $65 each $400 for all six Prefer local pickup West Seneca area and will meet reasonable distance. PM me if interested, Mike
  10. I run big boards for everything now. I will probably keep running the big boards for browns but want to switch to inlines for salmon. I have a smaller boat so I only run 1 copper or core off each side on the big boards. Would the Sam's Pro release work well with the TX44's and a 300 copper?
  11. Harbor was very dingy didn't see any at all Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. Braved the north wind today and pulled out of the harbor around 730 directly into a stiff north wind. Worst place was between the pier heads with legit 4 footers bouncing off the piers. Once clear of the harbor we headed east as the wind soon turned northeast. Only had 4 rods out when we doubled up on 2 small browns, one 3lbs. the other 6lbs. One on a silver and blue Rapala the other on a perch Rapla. Unfortunately while working the double both on the starboard side of the boat we didn't notice the dog leash attached to the planer line to stack the releases had wrapped around one of the rods on the port side. With the waves the planers were bouncing pretty good and when we finished netting the double we turned around and the rod and reel were gone. Donated to the fish Gods!!!! If anyone snags a nice green Daiiwa rod with a Convector20LC towing a fire tiger Rapala Enjoy!!! The wind picked up and we decided to pull lines and make a run back to harbor. After a slow boat ride back to the mouth the wind settled a little so we decided to set up and give it another troll with the wind. Picked up three more on perch and black and gold. Not a bad day considering the wind and it's always nice to get bonus time on the water in February. All except the rod and reel donation. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  13. Sorry Eotech 512 is $350
  14. A set of 2 - 30 degree flush mount rod holders in very good condition. I don't recall the manufacturer but they are heavy duty with the plastic liner, gimbal pin, drains and caps. $35 I prefer cash and pick up or we can meet. I live in West Seneca. We can discuss shipping with payment of USPS money order. Thank you for looking. PM me with any questions or offers. Mike
  15. Avoided an almost catastrophe leaving the dock. Just as I got the boat turned around my B in L declares time for breakfast and starts peeling a banana. I reached over, ripped it out of his hand and launches it as far as I could throw it. Crisis averted. Got on the water about 630 am and set up in 120' of water. First time out with the new Fish Hawk probe. Well not exactly, went out last week and forgot batteries for the probe so spent the morning staring at my $700 surface temp screen!! Worked great with batteries in it. Got the probe rigger down 55' where we hit 44 degree temp. Set the speed at 2.8 down speed ( thank you to all those that have posted in the past probe speeds really made things simple). As soon as I started rigging the second rigger nailed a small king on the probe rigger. A lot of boats in the 100 to 200' range so only put out riggers and Dipseys left the big boards and coppers in the boat until it cleared out some. Trolled north to south and had steady action the whole morning. Only took one shot on the wire Dipseys but dropped it. The rest was a spoon bite off riggers with cheaters hitting a few steel. After the first hour rigger was down 65 and that's where it stayed. FLT magnum Black Meat Pounding Deep was the superstar and accounted for the majority of our catch. Took on steel off a 300 copper and FLT alewife spoon. Everything else came off the riggers. Worked 150-300' N to S until 11 am. Ended up 12 for 24 mix of kings and steel. Biggest was 18 lbs. just couldn't find the big boys. Love those new FLT spoons Bob Fuller does a great job with them and they're worthy the wait. Can't believe I fished all these years without a temp/speed probe. Almost every fish was caught at 2.8 FH down speed. Made me realize how unproductive I was all those years just using SOG. Tight lines! Mike
  16. It's not about the exact distance it's about the repeatability. Distance will be close but being able to get the lure back to the same place every time is key. Sort of like a Fishawk probe reads slightly faster than a Subtroll its not about the exact speed but consistency.
  17. Not sure what size boat you have but I took my 18' Crestliner to Olson Bros in Derby and they had someone from Rochester come in and make me a convertible Bimini with zip off windshield, zip off side curtains and a skirt for the opening under the windshield. Quality is great and comes in handy for sun, wind in March - April and rain. Dropped it off in the morning and it was done by dinner time.
  18. I run Cisco track and rod holders. Workmanship and quality are outstanding. Come with set screws on the end so no need to buy an end cap. All corners and edges radiused and their customer service is excellent. One friend runs Bert's tracks and another runs Traxstech and they are both very good too. Can't go wrong with any of them. As far as dipsey rod holders I have the Cisco cradle style Dipsey rod holders and they can be a pain with the butt sticking into the boat. I will be updating to the Canon ratcheting rid holders for my Dipseys. A buddy has them and I like the you can grab them and ratchet them up with one hand to make it easier to get the rod out. Hope this helps good luck.
  19. Wow must be ESP they were in the mailbox when I got home. Look great can't wait to try them.
  20. Not to hijack the thread but has anyone received their order from FLT? I placed an order over 3 weeks ago and after the confirmation email haven't heard anything since. I called and left messages and sent emails but no response. I've heard nothing but good things about FLT Spoons and was wondering if anyone had the same problem. I did check the cc and it was charged.
  21. 10 lb fluro have gone down to 8lb fluro when the water is ultra clear
  22. I have a large Ranger (34" hoop?) for salmon and the same net with a 25" hoop for early season Browns and walleye. Extendable 7' pole, hexagon pole and rubber coated net.
  23. Only boat out of the harbor today. Saw one lonely pier fisherman having some success. Went west out of the harbor and set up in 10 feet of water. Water temp ran from 36.5 to 38. No visible mud line except way off shore. Southwest breeze was stiff. Went 10 for 11 mix of small Browns and small cohos. Most in the morning when it was overcast. Fire tiger Rapala was the hot color and picked up one each on silver/black, gold/black, green frog rat and fire tiger thin fin. Great to be on the water it's been a long winter especially because the snowmobile season sucked so bad.
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