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Everything posted by Poles293

  1. +1 on Clippers
  2. I've had good luck with Kings but they do take a lot longer. Sometimes up to 10 minutes or so. Just have to have patience and hope you don't get another hook up.
  3. The point is to let the fish rest and "catch" its breath before you release it. I hold the fish by the tail and under the belly and face them into the flow until they are moving their gills by themselves then I loosen my grip on the tail and let them swim away on their own. If they're little guys and you didn't fight them long you can just let them slide back in. Gotta respect the fish!
  4. Amish Outfitters Clipper releases. You can use them for anything mono, braid I even pull 40 jets off them for walleye. I know a couple people who use them for their copper and core setups as well. Sometimes I will use a small rubber band with them if the waves are bouncing the boards around alot but otherwise just adjust the screw clip the line on and slide them down. They won't spin and tangle other releases like some of the others will. Great price too I bought a bag of 50 for $60. http://amishoutfitters.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=18
  5. BHufnagle I just put two 18" AO bags on my 18 ft Crestliner and they slowed me down from 2.4 at idle to about 1 mph SOG. I'm super happy with them just what I needed to let me use a bit of throttle for better boat control and letting the motor pump more water and oil through it. If I were you I would consider moving up a size from the 18" for your 23 footer.
  6. PM and email sent for lot 1 & 2
  7. I believe the West Marine batteries are the same exact battery sold at Walmart. Here is a link to a battery discussion on another forum (Mod's if this is not allowed please deleate post) : http://www.glanglerforum.com/forum/showthread.php?16324-Batteries-ARGH From experience check the date stamped on the battery not just the tag. Hope this helps and let us know what you end up with.
  8. For smart phone users there is a free App called "Pure Gas" that shows all the gas stations that sell ethanol free gas by your location. Not sure if its available in Canada. I got lucky there is a Delta Sonic about 3 miles away from me that has two dedicated pumps (91 Octane) that are clearly marked ethanol free. I now only use it in all my small motors and boats.
  9. Go watch the great movie "They Live" with Rowdy Roddy Piper. Talk about subliminal messages.
  10. Got on the lake about 7:30 and it wasn't too bad out. A little windy and cold but the Lake was calm. Saw Thrillseeker going east so we headed west just to stay out of his way. Couldn't find any dirty water everything was gin clear. Picked up one 3 lb steelhead on a purpledescent f9 Rapala. Decided to head back east and work the front of the harbor and missed one near the mouth on a gold/black Rapala. The plume from the creek was the only dirty / warmer water we could find. I think it was 44 degrees near the plume. Made several figure 8 passes in front of the harbor taking turns with Captain Vince and Thrillseeker working the inside pass. Picked up one brown right in front of the piers then the wind and rain kicked up and decided to call it quits. We didn't want to get too far from the harbor because of the threat of thunderstorms so it was a relatively short trip.
  11. Last time that happened to me I was up in Canada and my dad pried it out with a rusty pair of needle nose pliers. Thank God for Labatt's that hurt like a mother.
  12. Beef Jerkey time !!!!
  13. I have a Minn Kota Terrova 80 bow mounted trolling motor with iPilot on my 18 ft Crestliner. I use the autopilot to steer the boat and my big motor for power. Great set up just point the trolling motor in the direction I want to head and hit the autopilot button. Great when you have a fish on or especially a double you can concentrate on fighting fish and no worries aboout steering the boat. Sorry I don't have any info on transom mounted motors. My batteries are Interstate deep cycle hooked up to a Minn Kota 5/5 amp charger. No issues or problems with either one. Your boat is similar to mine and just the electric wasn't enough to push the boat 2.5 to 3 mph salmon speeds all day long but I can put the big motor in gear to push the boat and set the electric on 2-3 setting which will last all day long. Works great for me.
  14. In some areas of the GL's they jig for trout and salmon heres a couple videos of what they are doing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eyz3kRIq7U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRpt4gYcJj8 I've never tried it but seems pretty interesting and fun on the strike. Hope this helps.
  15. Thanks Chas0218 there's a couple close by I will definately be using them this year. Does anyone know if the launch at Olcott sells ethanol free gas?
  16. Oh I'm sure that's what the other fisherman were saying as you ran past them for the third time !!!!!!!!!!
  17. Just a tip if you plan on fishing for kings in the future make sure you buy a real quality ball bearing snap swivel like a SPRO or Dreamweaver . They are expensive compared to other swivels but are worth the extra money when fighting kings.
  18. Holy crow that's awesome.
  19. Get the Clipper releases from Amish Outfitters. http://amishoutfitters.com/catalog/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=5&products_id=18 They work great, are cheap and you can put a ton in your pocket for re-deploys. A bag of 50 is only $60. Do a search on the LOU alot of guys are running the Clippers. If you run mono just clip the release right to the line. I use braid so I half hitch a #10 (think thats the size) rubber band to the line and then the band to the clipper. Best part is spring browns can be fast and furious at times and I never have to pull my big boards in just slide down another clipper release. An empty clipper won't spin around and tangle your lines requiring you to pull the boards on that side to retrieve / untangle.
  20. Use Mercury or Quicksilver 2-4-C grease. Comes in a tube for propellor shaft or stick for grease guns. It's what Mercury calls for. Just make sure you have the rod fully retracted inside the housing before you grease it or you could hydraulically lock the rod.
  21. I have Twilly tips on my wire Dipsey rods and before I tie on the snap swivel I slide a bead on the line. Large enough that it won't go through the Twilly. This way when your done you can just reel the bead straight into the Twilly so there is no bends in the wire. Bends, kinks, frays are a recipe to lose $50 worth of equipment. I just reel the bead / swivel to the end and store my rods put together. Always remember keep the wire tight at all times.
  22. I have Twilly tips on my wire Dipsey rods and before I tie on the snap swivel I slide a bead on the line. Large enough that it won't go through the Twilly. This way when your done you can just reel the bead straight into the Twilly so there is no bends in the wire. Bends, kinks, frays are a recipe to lose $50 worth of equipment. I just reel the bead / swivel to the end and store my rods put together.
  23. Stop this! I just jumped off my couch and knocked my coffee cup over reaching for my dipsy rod!
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