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Everything posted by Poles293

  1. Here is a link to sign a petition to have the Feds repeal the NY gun law: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/rule-ny-safe-act-be-unconstitutional/W2KLT6t8#thank-you=p Also a link to sign a petition to impeach Cuomo http://impeachandrewcuomo.com/?
  2. At least a few politicians aren't completely full of s**t. McLaughlin is in the super minority in this state though.
  3. This is nothing more than anti-gun politicians / groups seizing the opportunity off of a tragedy to further their cause of taking our 2nd Amendment rights away. Most of the public is too naive and believes anything that is fed to them by the anti-gun media. This is a systematic attack on our rights and is just one more step towards disarming America. Most Americans have no clue what the difference is in guns. They latch onto buzz words ("assault weapon" "Bushmaster" etc) that are deemed "evil" and that is all they know. Check out this link that gives a good explanation of what an "assault weapon" really is. http://www.assaultweapon.info/ If you watch the news I'm sure you've heard another term that has been popping up more and more in the past couple of years: Home Invasions. It's a growing trend where multiple criminals will force entry into a home and gain control by force then rob, rape, assault or murder the residents. I for one will have more than 7 rounds in my gun and that decision comes from years of training and personal experience with deadly force. "One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms." -- Constitutional scholar and Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story, 1840 It's a sad day in this country and I'm afraid it's only going to get worse. Welcome to NY Comrade!
  4. Bert's was my second choice. When I talked to Dennis Logan yesterday he said they are guaranteed for life and that Cisco takes pride in their product and will always take care of their customers. From what I hear Bert's is the same way. Plus I still have room so I can always try out a couple different ones if the Ciscos don't work out.
  5. I just placed an order with them for 2 - 48" tracks, 4 black tube rod holders and mounts. I can't wait till spring.
  6. Thanks Roy thats what I thought I appreciate the info.
  7. This is probably a stupid question but Cisco seems to be closed for the Holidays, I called and left a message and sent an email with no answer. I'm asking here for the answer in case they're closed down for the week I want to take advantage of the Holiday special free shipping. I'm outfitting my boat with Cisco tracks on both gunnels and getting 4 of the single tube rod holders. My question is do I need to purchase the bottom mounting plate that slides in the track separately. I see the plates are listed separately and I want to order everything at once. Thank you, Mike
  8. Thanks for the info I looked it up on my iphone while on the boat today and your info got us into 2 nice 20 lb kings and a 12 lb coho. Only difference was all three came off a wire mag dipsy 125 out with a SD and Atomik fly. Yesterday we were fishing 0ver 200 to 250 and got skunked today with what you reported we went straight out to 350-400 and hooked up almost immediately. Thanks again
  9. Thanks Captain I appreciate the info
  10. Does anyone know if the Town marina is open 24 hrs? If not what are the hours it is open to launch?
  11. Thanks guys for the timely info I just took a friend out the other day who swore he was on boats his whole military career and doesn't get sea sick. He ended up chumming the waters over the side of the boat. I don't know what was greener his face or my emerald shad Renosky Crystalline. I printed this and gave it to him. Thanks again.
  12. Thanks for the input guys - all fixed it was a pinched transducer cable which must have broke a wire in it. Got it replaced and its working good as always. Thanks again
  13. Thanks I'll give that a try I was out today and same thing happened I had yellow screen with no depth reading for the first hour then it started working fine until I cranked it up to drive back in.
  14. I've run it with the motor before and it usually just clutters up with blue "noise" but still reads. This went all yellow and wouldn't read after I shut the motor off. I always run the sensitivity on manual and turned it up and down with no results. I did reach down in the water and wipe the ducer off with a handkerchief and it looked clean and intact when I pulled the boat out plus the angle looked correct. I will get a straight edge and check tomorrow but it looks right.
  15. I just bought a Crestliner Raptor 1850 with a Lowrance HDS 7 on it. So far everything worked flawlessly. I was out yesterday on Erie walleye fishing and the unit worked perfectly until we were out for a couple of hours and pulled in the rods to move further west along the fence. I pulled up the trolling motor and moved us with the main motor only hit about 32 mph cuz we were only going about a mile. The screen on the HDS went all yellow from top to bottom with the color line in the middle and some blue interference throughout the screen. it read 2 ft of water even though we were in 70 ft of water. I just thought it was because we were moving at speed and figured it would go back to reading once we slowed down but it didn't. This is the first time I couldn't get a reading at that speed. When we stopped it still continued to read 2 ft and was all broken up solid yellow on the screen. I tried turning it off and back on but it didn't help. I visually looked at the transducer and it appeared ok, tight in the mount and looked to be the proper angle off the transom. I reached down and it felt ok too. I checked the cable on the back of the unit and it was tight. I shut it down and turned it on several times and no help. I made sure no other electronics were on like the bilge or livewell. I finally just shut it off for about 15 minutes and when I turned it on it worked fine for the next hour of trolling. When we pulled up and headed back to the launch it again went all yellow at speed and wouldn't go back to normal when we slowed down. I didn't change any settings before it happened the first time and only tried adjusting the sensitivity manually and using the auto sensitivity with no effect. Before I spend half the day on the phone with Lowrance I was wondering if anyone had any similar problems / solutions. Thanks, Mike
  16. I too was going to get a couple of these. So far the cheapest I found them was here: http://www.northwoodsoutlet.com/oscommerce/catalog/index.php?cPath=4_38_130_443&osCsid=ca5d2ehnagnhkstlrsrag9gm87
  17. I was out with wnyfisherman a few weeks ago out of Olcott and we too had the same problem with the fish spinning or the front hook catching the gill plate so we took off the front hook and it worked fine. Didn't lose any once they were on and didn't seem to miss any strikes because of the front hook beeing taken off.
  18. That was a great trip. Awesome time and new boat record!!!
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