They don’t need probable cause to board your boat. You might as well be prepared for an encounter and be courteous when contacted. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
Know they’ve been in the are for years. Had a pile of bear poop in my yard eight or nine years ago but have yet to see one or get a trail cam pic of one. Sure it’s just a matter of time. Would be curious to know if others in my area have seen them or got cam pics. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
2.5 works fine, 10 feet behind the ball works fine. Spread your lures through the water column until you get dialed in and or put them where you mark fish. 100 feet of water is always worth checking out.
Use the one on Manitou Beach Rd. $4 to launch, you put the money in the vending machine. Quick trip to the mouth and onto the lake. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
It’s a target rich environment. Boats running wake on the bay. Jet skis, boats on full plane. Cops are going to run out of tickets. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United