Years ago I took my daughter out for the youth hunt. Her brother, 3 years older came along to sit with her and do the calling. I sat about twenty yards behind them to watch. Bird came in, but left of where she was set up to aim. When she tried to turn on it the bird started to turn and walk away. There was no way to tell her to shoot, I wasn’t sitting with her. As it continued to walk away I figured it was out of range....Boom! I could tell she got a piece of him but off he ran. At about the same time my son took off in pursuit. Although I could no longer see him through the timber I heard quite a racket. Tom came back holding the bird. It was my third youth hunt, so blessed to have been able to see all three of my kids have a fun and successful hunt. Great memories, hope someone has a great hunt with one of their kids tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
UPDATE: Authorities searching for 27-year old man in Irondequoit Bay (Via News10NBC) Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
I, like many here have some special fish on the wall. More than one would have been released (browns and bows) had there not been a derby or tournament going on. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
As much as it disturbs me to agree with Bandrus, my bad. In reading his post my old mans eyes saw 36 available instead of 3? (Whatever that means). My bad Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United