Think it’s time for citizens to set the tone. I for one have no interest or expectation that our gelded law enforcement has the reigns to get things done.
Semantics. It’s still a complete waste of money. Hundreds of boats dock in Braddocks, brings in a ton of money to the local economy which in my opinion exceeds the interests of muskrats and an already thriving pike population.
The year they put the useless break wall in there was a boulder in the channel on the east side. It damaged numerous boats. As I remember it was removed the same season.
One of the challenges with a shallow channel is that if you come through in 2 to 3’s or more you no longer have the same three feet of depth you would when it’s calm.
Braddocks is not a “navigable waterway”. It definitely has its challenges.
There was no issue with the channel this year however it was a rainy summer and the lake level helped support it. I love having my boat at Braddocks, dock is a mile from my house and most years I don’t have an issue.