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Everything posted by whaler1

  1. sea lice?
  2. welcome aboard!
  3. Great job! What a weekend. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  4. Post a pic of the big brown? Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  5. If you got out, good! If the boat and equipment worked, very good. If you got kids out and on fish, fantastic. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  6. Haha great stuff! Soon I’ll have my 15 foot Whaler out, no riggers, just running two dipsys. Looking forward to getting back on the water. Lucky you’re welcome to tag along! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  7. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  8. Good deal, someone got a cool boat! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  9. One of my kids had some fun fishing this morning in Costa Rica. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  10. Effin nasty!! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  11. Great evening! Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  12. If it floats, runs, and rolls it looks like a great boat for the price to me. Surprised it hasnt gone yet. Would cost as much to dock it for a season as you are asking for it. It will sell soon im sure.
  13. Sandy 100 to 200 would be a good bet. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  14. Love the matching NK hats! Patsy always had time for everyone. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  15. 2001 with Patsy. Billy was 6. Great guy, Most of the fish that I have won money on have come on NK’s Lots of great lures on the market but NK’s have always been my go to. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  16. Best time of the day!
  17. Hope it gets resolved smoothly. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  18. That pic is fantastic. Don’t miss a minute. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Really cool stuff! could you have harvested a wolf there as well?
  20. Welcome aboard
  21. Good for you! Sandy is a little piece of heaven. Light traffic and great fishing. Great job, congrats Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  22. Any Sandy reports? Pretty quiet today. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  23. Any Sandy reports? Pretty quiet today. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
  24. I would keep heading shallower. I’d troll to 100 feet. If I hit something good on the way I might circle back through it but if not I’d troll too 100 finish the trip there. Sent from my iPhone using Lake Ontario United
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