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Everything posted by whaler1

  1. Nothing better than trying something new, taking a shot, and being successful. Good for you!
  2. I don't think so, it's held out towards the camera, look how big it's fin is. Looks like a post spawn fish, big head skinny body.
  3. My trip was cut short this morning, blew the starter on my trolling motor. Spoke to a couple guys that said good screen but slow fishing. Lake looked nice, blowing a little now out of the north east.
  4. Ontario and I both replied
  5. I pay little attention to color. I think where and how are greater than what.
  6. I'm starting in 80. Be out as well. Will be on 72.
  7. Was in 90 to 110. Decent screen but not as good as the morning. Pulled lines at 6 with one more brown and lost a pig brown behind the boat. Spent almost a half hour the last 50 feet. Would get it close only for it to run deep and out another 50. Pissed me off when the hook pulled. Saw him four or five times, was a slob. Ps, great Atlantic, haven't caught one in years. Great fish.
  8. Back for a short evening solo troll and the fish are still here. An hour in and have a mid 20's King and a brown. Slow trolling NK nags and a spin dr.
  9. Current sucks. Only good direction was east for me.
  10. Good amounts of bait on the bottom and some just off bottom. Fair amount of hooks including some big ones. Pretty good screen.
  11. To the boat "grey one", when you were on the radio this morning a couple boats replied. Either you had the volume down or your radio isn't receiving.
  12. Yeah you get bit by that it won't be pretty.
  13. Looks like my son tommy had an interesting day at work.
  14. East was best Scott. Pulled lines at ten, had 4 Browns and a low 20's King.
  15. Not missing much Matt.
  16. Doing a few Browns this morning. 100 feet of water 60 degrees on the bottom.
  17. I'm not surprised. Out of Sandy guys would rush to your assistance if you used channel 72. I for one never monitor channel 16. Assuming Sodus has a local channel I think you would have received assistance
  18. No hurry, love fishing after a flip.
  19. Depends on water temp. Now mid 70's, when it's low 60's, game on.
  20. Doesn't get much better than that. Good luck to all.
  21. 100 grain 2 blade stinger. My kid was 10.
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