until things set up you are in search mode. I would work north\south from 100-300 feet spreading rods at 10 foot intervals from 50-80 down. I would also run dipsys with spin Dr \ flys. Cover water.
So I had my chance at the big Tom this morning and I blew it. He came in a little nervous and I must have hurried the shot. I thought it was clean and that I put a good hit on him but when I found the arrow there was no blood at all. That's the only good thing, I think he will be fine. Really beautiful bird, I should have been more patient. My heart was pounding. I know it happens. I know it's all part of it. I know it sucks!!!!!!!
Too late now brother. Back out for the Tom in the morning. Best part is my bow spot is a mid, late morning spot. Get to have a big breakfast and then relax in the double bull blind. Pretty comfy stuff.
I'm not sure how to age a hen but the breast meats darker than some Toms I've shot. Beard was 7 inches. Might have mounted it but it got pretty screwed up flopping around.
Went out with my bow this morning. Have been trying to get an old Tom I've seen a few times. Had a pair of hens come in, one with a nice beard. I've never shot a bearded hen and decided to take a clean shot if one presented itself. Unfortunately the one without the beard kept getting in the way and didn't get the shot I wanted.
About an hour later they came through again and the Rage did its job, bird flopped for a little bit and that was it!