Problem is Braddocks isn’t a navigable waterway. Unless that designation is changed it will never change. I’m probably going back to Sandy in the spring. Not only is the channel funky, I’ve hit other stuff in the bay itself.
West side of channel should be fine. I’d be more concerned at the Sandy launch about backing over the end of the launch slab. Should be able to take a look before you drop it but if you go back too far you have serious issues.
Backyard last night while I was in the kitchen drinking beer. Kind of hard to see unless you zoom it in, 130 yards with my phone but looked like a green light deer to me.
Seems to me that if you purchase a fishing license you should be able to enjoy the resource in accordance with the regulations. In my opinion that should include those that don’t own boats. If there are particular sections of some tributaries that are particularly vulnerable I see no reason they can’t be restricted assuming there is still reasonable access available.
Complaining about people because of the electronics on their boat is laughable at best. Charters provide a crucial opportunity for those that don’t own boats to enjoy the resource and are some of the strongest ambassadors we have regarding the fishery. To suggest the go back to paper graphs and Loran C is frankly bizarre.