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Everything posted by BrokeOff

  1. Sorry, I meant Jloggers location
  2. Where u located?
  3. Nice shape $60 each
  4. Sent you a pm
  5. John, remember when you screwed me over on some otter boat keels? Guess what goes around comes around
  6. Muskrats got me last fall. Looking for the older style, with 6 pin male connector on it. Or the Raymarine adapter cable E66066
  7. pm sent
  8. Bump, still have these
  9. I believe he is talking about the coiled up spring (on the right, in the picture) when you tear it apart. It's a PITA to get the spring back in tho.
  10. Nice King, how'd the rest of the trip go?
  11. Your link doesn't work
  12. Pm sent on blanks
  13. The fish look like R&R's
  14. That's gonna be pricey at $7 a pop
  15. Pms sent
  16. Pm sent
  17. Pms returned
  18. Lot #3 9 Stingrays, 1 Fishlander Sold
  19. Lot #2 10 stingers $35 shipped (Sold Pending Payment)
  20. Lot #1 7 stingers, 3 super slims Sold
  21. Bump
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