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Everything posted by BrokeOff

  1. I think its called the shiznit spoon. here is a thread on itL viewtopic.php?f=4&t=18564&hilit=shiznit and theres a picture on the bottom of the page
  2. Is there another name for the michigan stinger meat market flasher? Ive seen them in pulaski but they are not called 'meat market' on stingers website. Unless they aren't pictured on their website.. Heard it was a good producer for the past 2 years.
  3. how do you run 4 dipseys and 2 riggers? seems like tangle central. cant even picture it
  4. just missed it. troubles if you can part with another I will take it. I think you have a few too many setups!
  5. i think we have taken a total of 2 fish in 2 years on our stacked rigger (20-30ft higher than deep rod). not sure if we are doing something wrong but its shocking when that thing fires
  6. did you launch out of port ontario or mexico?
  7. you can run 2 or 3 colors but most people like 2 more. as far as running with a flasher/fly that would negate the lead action due to the added paddle drag. the lead is suppose to rise and fall with boat turns and speed changes. this is best with a low drag lure like a spoon.
  8. spoon of the year???
  9. nice job what was your hot flashers?
  10. nice fish what rigs did they eat?
  11. what length of copper were you running?
  12. wire dipsy's crush fish, you need to get them and they are easy to use. they are the rods that fire the most
  13. wow thats shallow. what spoons worked for you? im guessing you had spoon on 10 color and that the stinger was a spoon as well
  14. noaa said 3's so we didnt go. tell me its 3's from the north or west....
  15. this was us on sunday. 0/4 lost every fish that hit, usually after we took a few cranks in. tons of boats tons of marks and tons of bait. saw some others land one here and there.
  16. never seen one of those. who makes them? pro troll?
  17. nice king, what combo did you take it on?
  18. looks like you pounded them yesterday! what spoons worked for you yesterday or was it all a spinny bite?
  19. we always run rings, anyone ever pulled a rig at the end of the day and the ring is gone? this has happened to me a few times now....
  20. i like to put out my long lines first get them on boards far away from the boat. this is a slower setup, I know a lot of people like to put dipseys out first on a slow click and then they can put out additional rods while the dipseys go down. but I hate tangles so I will continue to do long lines first.
  21. nice. any takers on that Bfuller evil twin yet?
  22. ~6 foot of 20 # seagar, same for slider leaders
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