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Everything posted by BrokeOff

  1. Nice job, hope you get it working and thanks for the info and part #s.
  2. There is no delete, use the edit button on your listing and slide the for sale tab down to sold/closed
  3. Let me know which relays they are, I have 3 bad boards that look fine
  4. BrokeOff

    Sold / Closed 1994 Thompson 240 fisherman

  5. Well got one trip under my belt with the power pro/ cannon downrigger. As others stated I lost auto stop and also auto up... have to hold the switch to get the ball to the surface. So far I don't mind that. The 250# pro seems pretty thick, I think thinner stuff would be better. But it did take a few fish. It was definitely quieter without the hum. Debating whether to switch over another rigger.
  6. I just re-read thru this thread, I think you are on to something here. I am up to 3 fried boards in my cannons now. Sometimes while dropping a rigger my electronics will go off due to the draw
  7. Do you have a troll master? Mine would do that when the servo would get stuck. Would have to take the motor cover off and mess with it
  8. Got some 250# power pro. I left 100 feet of cable or so on the rigger and Albright knotted in 300 feet of the power pro. I also bought the Scotty blue rigger weight snubbers and bought replacement parts for my cannon retro ease weight retrievers. They were pretty chewed/grooved up from cable running thru. I'll give it a try and report back.
  9. Sale pending
  10. $70 for the pair. They have the upgraded clips, great shape. Syracuse/Mexico area or add shipping.
  11. Pending sale
  12. Sold
  13. I have had 2 breakoffs with regular cable (while dropping downrigger weight to depth) in the past two years. My riggers are cannon mag 10 stx. Super fast. I've heard that power Pro is more user friendly, more stealthy, has less blow back, and some people claim catches less fish when you lose the hum of cable. Others claim bigger fish bite the power Pro. Also with cannon if I switch to power Pro line I'll lose the auto stop feature. Does this mean when the ball comes out of the water it will go all the way to the boom? Or stop short of that? What # are guys running that use this stuff? I see there is 150, 200, 250.
  14. I can't answer your question but I'm wondering if the Oswego boat for towboat US is around? Don't want to pay $86 for a useless service.
  15. Bump updated 4/20
  16. If it's still pictured, it's available!
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