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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Back in the early 80's they also used to stock the Perch River also, we owned property there for 15 years and at the end of the perch in late October to mid November you could litterly walk across them, they also staged in the trench before their journey towards the Black & the Perch, so ya there was a shyt load more salmon back then, with much heavier weights to them than now!! Now there's not a salmon up there anymore. I think once they lowered the height of the bridge they shot themselves in the foot, they did this to keep the bigger boats out because the locals that lived along the river got greedy with the fish. Dad bought a 18ft center console and we needed to remove the windshield and the bar that held the windshield so we could fit under the bridge. After that dad sold the place for the simple reason our boat with high water contained us to the river. Our land was way to steep to launch our boat, so we asked the neighbors down the lane if we could load our boat and that was the last time I was on the Perch River.
  2. You couldn't have worded that any better Mudflat, I'm amazed at how this moment for the VETS and of course the captains have come together and in this moment there is Nick and Theresa, giving up their time to organize this event. This hits home for me also, I don't miss a post on this thread. My father was a Korean War Vet. And always said its the forgotten war. He passed on 9 years ago and so the Korean War Vets gave him the most beautiful memorial!! Many folks said they never saw such a moving moment for a final farewell before. We spent many a great times together on LakeO'. The sponsorship is above and beyond, this includes everyone that donated, fishing paraphernalia, boats, gift cards for the captains, and people who donated their time and energy to make all this happen, plus the very greatfull Vets that gave their time and some much more so we Americans!!! can enjoy ourselves doing whatever one enjoys!! What a wonderful and greatfull organization!!!!
  3. Man that's awesome Proff T, that's a awesome day in anyone's book let alone just a few hrs. By no means are those fish anything to sneeze at. Congrats to a banner morning!! PAP.
  4. That's not to bad considering what Mother Nature threw at ya, certainly not good by a long shot. We had much better weather, one thing we noticed by going in the "after" season, is we had much better quality and not the quantity, plus the price is reduced from the main hot time of the year May,June. I hope that I didn't give ya's picture that wasn't met by your standards, if so I apologize!!! Did anyone go up the river or was the weather to nasty to give that a shot?? What cabins did you stay in, and last did the guide still have that big canoe? Pap
  5. Well I run cannon riggers, and I have a little knowledge about grease as I was in the starter & alternator buisness. We don't use the types of greases that one would to grease a car. We used a light lithium-grease, that is not effected by the temps, cold weather, hot weather, it holds its consistency. This grease can be bought in small tubes at auto parts stores, but not all, maybe west marine? Hope this helps!!!
  6. Those are the same jacks I have, that's the only useful thing that came with the shytwreck I bought, thank god they came with I defiantly needed-used them. lol
  7. Somehow, I think those guys know what their dealing with!! With talk about the treatments, lamprecid must be working???
  8. Congrats on the beauty of a fishII I can't believe the difference between now and the swimming zombies in late September through the month of November!! Nice fish
  9. Congrats on your first outing of the year, and taking a king, size doesn't matter, the fact you made it Is important!!! just in time for the fall season!!!
  10. Sounds great on the hook, I would of liked to be a bird sitting in a tree, when you got the golf balls hit at you, LOL, I bet you wtf till you figured that one out. LOL anyway congrats to your outting and the great post!!
  11. I'll take a bomber over the RR any day !!! That's for sure. There're so versatile were the RR is mainly designed to be run as so..
  12. Google alpha and alpha1 trim cylinders rebuild kits, this will direct you to where you want to be, I bought my kits off the eBay guys.
  13. They make rebuild kits for these cylinders, I rebuilt mine and it was quite easy. That was a few years ago, I found all the info I needed via the Internet, the package was around $50.00 and it cured my problems. Actually I bought a rebuilt cylinder off eBay first but all I got was a box, poor shipping box the end opened up and gone, nobody could find it and I got my money back, that's when I looked into doing the rebuild, and glad I did!! I'll look for the site also if I find it I'll pm you!! Good luck pap. Let's hope like the above post says that it's a alpha or alpha1
  14. Thanks, I will build my own, I usually use circle hooks but I might need to use a conventional hook for the weedless hooks.
  15. Nice job Justin, fall is just around the corner, my favorite time of the year.
  16. Now that looks deadly, thanks for posting. Might have to make me a few of those!!! Are those weedless hooks?
  17. Xxx

    SLR 10 lbs er...

    Nice fish Congrats on your outting!!
  18. I think if your boat is like mine there is a long flat area from midship to the transome, place a 4ft piece of 2x6 the reason I say that is the wider the better is for better weight distribution then Jack high enough to get the job done, might have to move this setup around till finished, good luck and be safe
  19. Yea the front is a pita to say the least what I do is use the back ones as they are away from the running gear of the trailer. I have a 4x4 with a piece of conveyer belt nailed to it, I also nailed 2, 4' pieces of 2x6 in the middle of the 9' 4x4 and I have two floor jacks I use in the front, Jack her up just off the trailer yank the trailer out then put the stands under. It sounds like a lot but it's quite easy, I have each stand in place and jus slide them under and take the weight off the 4x4. I have a little loader bucket tractor with a ball mounted to the bucket, that I move my boats around in the driveway, and I just slip the trailer back under, you can do this with your tow vehicle also.
  20. What are you guys talking about ? A very personal spoon I take it?
  21. I have these tri-pod stands that you set under your boat they have plywood pieces attached that swivel in all directions you put them across from each other, 2 in the back and 2 in the front and they have a heavy duty threaded rod with a T type handle that you turn. You do this the same amount of turns till the boat is off the trailer then pull the trailer out and continue to turn each handle in the up direction till you have your desired height, they fight each other so they never will slip. I saw boats dry docked with these stands. I got them with the boat I purchased. If you need to borrow them let me know and I'll bring them along when I come up, they are handy. I used them to replace the clips and washers on my rollers on the trailer. Pap
  22. Congrats to you and your catch!! I can't wait to swim these in LakeO. Jeff is a wonder to deal with. Got a few from Jeff. They hammer stripers in our local lake which is about 1 or 2 shades harder than Otisco, if that even possible these next pics are Jeffs blanks with Nicks hard work with his air brush
  23. I totally agree Esxox, we could form a club, that's a lot easier then a organization, I organized a four wheel drive club years ago. It just evolved into a big club. I think this would also take off as there are so many passionate walleye fisher folks, as to meat hunters. I'm in. Mike
  24. Yea like Les said I still run them!! I slid the counter out lowered the ball on top the water and slid the counter in at 000
  25. This size is the slot on many Canadian lakes, so those guys are a head of the game for at least 10 years as that's the last I've been to Canada, I saw in my time of 20 years of fishing the same Canadian lake, as a fly in lake only it was fantastic as time went on it became a drive to lake, 10 years later we were debating maybe to try another lake. Then the outfitter sold the lake rights to the guy that has it now, but the first thing he did was put a slot limit on the lake, lots of guys were pizzed but he needed to increase the population. This year the older guys went for their last trip to this lake, they caught a lot of fish in that bracket, which is good and a few over 24" one most remember those cold water eyes grow much slower than say Erie or Ontario also those northern lakes don't have the forage we have down here, perch, pike, walleye, and whitefish and suckers are about all they have to choose from.
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