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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. there is a angle of the rigger cable chart that gets you in the ballpark. Years ago the thumper theory was golden, and the tone of the rigger cables was used a lot like mentioned above. With all the new tech stuff the old ways before depth finder days and even the old paper graphs the tuned ear was golden, and those guys hammered the Kings up to 40#ers were brought over the side, all these older ways have gone to the wayside, it's a shame but that's the way it goes.
  2. If you have breakers instead of fuses be sure to check that connection, say it works down to 60ft might be a weak breaker, that's how they act. If it's fused, still check the connection but if fused disregard the rest either they work or they don't!! Good luck, now is not the time for this!!
  3. If your going with a fall mount just get 2 cans of spray paint, brown and army green and do it yourself. LOL
  4. What is the last pic? are they beads? if so are they walleye beads the holes look to big.
  5. This is spot on!! I was ****ing up a storm, called lowrance and got all the updates, even got all this for free even though I was past the 1 year mark and also with navionics I got the updates, then finally a computer geek went to our local lake and messed with it and came to the conclusion to go with the default mode and it works flawlessly ever since. I was told keep my meat hooks off all the buttons except the power button, and the screen dividers!! LOL
  6. I've never had a bearing buddy give me grief, the spring tells you how much grease "pressure" you are putting on the seal. You don't need to crush the spring, 3/4 pushed together is plenty, they have a weep hole and as soon as that used grease and water start to come out, STOP pumping in grease, the spring pressure will do its job, and all is fine. If you pop the back seal you put way the hell to much grease in, as a zerk fitting will do the same if to much grease is used, although a zerk puts the grease more/less right where it's needed, as the buddy fills the whole hub with grease, also on the newer trailer with thr Zerk fitting you need to take out the grease fitting as they keep the buddy from seating all the way in. The bearing buddy will not go in all the way to seat against the ridge on the buddy.
  7. Xxx

    Fuel Tanks

    Wow those are some pretty unique shaped tanks!! I had a issue this year I thought my fuel pump took a shyt, long story short I had to cut a 6X 8 inch patch out of my floor as everything pointed towards the one way valve in the fuel cell leaked the gas back into the tank and it like created a siphon it even drained my carb, that one I scratched my head on till I narrowed it down to the "anti-siphon valve" in the tank. Then with a break bleeder drew the gas from the take to the hard line that fills the carb. Now everything works per plan again. I sealed the cut sides with the wood hardener and put a aluminum diamond plate piece over the whole with silicon sealer between both pieces. Never knew such a critter in the tank ever existed. LOL?
  8. Depends on the wind direction whether the wall is even doable, if it is, I'd give the wall a shot before trucking out to the lanes. JMO
  9. Been there,that sucks, at a whopping 3.5 mph that takes for ever
  10. Perfect!! LOL
  11. Use the scan mode that will tell you where the most chatter is I know a lot use 68.
  12. No harm skipper!! A lot of times I think other should understand what I mean, in my rambling on posts!! I use whatever works at the time or just make believe it's working!! LOL! Hey thanks for glow lure trick. PAP?
  13. There has been talk about the Hamburg Cabela's was getting bought out by Bass Pro, I'm not that big on either stores as there prices are outrageous, like a fish hawk 4XD $799.00 really?? I like Cabela's better, there into the same type of fishing we do as pro bass is more into bass fishing, a lot of things I tried price comparing and bass pro didn't even carry it. WTF?
  14. I use a full milk crate and have it up in the cuddy. With a center console, "I had one" does yours have a door to access it or maybe in the front bait well as it acts as a seat? Just the opposite the drivers seat, front side of console? Just a few thoughts from my layout.
  15. 20,0000 comedians out of work and half the board is trying to be funny. I'm not familiar with Oswego, but maybe go back a week to possible find some useful info.
  16. Your welcome, make sure both parts are clean of oils & grease. Carb cleaner or brake clean, this evaporates instantly, put the green sleeve locker on, don't be afraid to put some on. It's called a anabolic sleeve locker, I guarantee this shyt will work!! Good luck.
  17. If my memory serves me right I think they eat the innards of the zebras. I think that's why they the "gobies" hang around the mussels
  18. Do as mentioned above, and get yourself some of that green stuff called "sleeve locker" it will take up to ten thousands of room out when it hardens, we used this in aluminum housing that were out of round and accepted bearings. You have to heat up the metal for the locker to let loose, they sell this sleeve locker where they sell the red and blue lock tite. This shyt really works!!!
  19. Xxx

    Prop Shop?

    Just drop a new one on, if it goes away you know it's the prop. If it doesn't go away get the boat out of the water and find the problem. Running it at is will resort in way bigger problem which could of been prevented, it will raise havoc with the whole drive line using it as is!!
  20. That's awesome Chas!! Keep at till the big day!! I'm pulling for ya buddy!! Best of luck to you and pop!! That's what makes it EXTRA GREAT!! I'd give anything for 1 day of fishing with dad, now he's my co' pilot, €£>< every tear makes me stronger''!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Holy shyt man that looks prehistoric for gods sake!!! This site is the best, just to get a look at that monster!! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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