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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. I use a umbrella net 3ft x 3ft and a strong green light. Anker up where you know they are send the net down 10-12ft down, the hang the green light over the net about 5ft down, now it's a waiting game first the little ones show up then the bigger fish show up and they will be swimming in a circular motion slowly move the light and pull the net up as fast as you can. I usually get 10-15 at a time, it's not easy you really need to rip that net up. Have it so the 4 corners fold up like. I also painted my whole net black, it came in olive green with a white net, paint the rods black also. I Have whitnessed larger fish coming to investigate, easy for me to pick out is the walleyes, usually we cast around with plugs, some nights it works others it doesn't. Can tell when the predetors come by the minnows flea the scene fast, then it's a waiting game again. Good luck to ya!!! Check your rules before you do this!! I had to buy a special license to catch minnows out . Our local lake here in PA.
  2. When we net minnows out of our local lake we found you need to put them in a round container, we made a 20gal. Container out of a coke syrup jug, the fish swim around but in a tub the bumb basterds run in the corners and bang their noses till they bleed then die. Been pretty good since we went to the round container, and yes they like it cool. I made a pump up with 50ft of 1/4 inch hose to pump up cold water out of the lake. Good luck it's not easy keeping those little guys alive.
  3. Nice I see you sold it!! Congrats.
  4. Yea it's that time of the year already, sounds like a decent end to your season, hope you have a healthy, safe and warm winter. Long time till spring, or do you ice fish? Either way it was very different year for sure.
  5. Where were these deals when I bought the piece of shyt I own!!!
  6. Your welcome RD9, us guys, well me anyway been there done that with the cost of not knowing any better, will more than gladly give useful info out so others don't make the same mistakes!!!!
  7. You probably already know this but before you pull your batteries make sure your motors are down, so no water or snow gets onto the prop area. I even take a kitchen size trash bag and put it over the prop and duck tape the bag so nothing can get in the bag or the prop area. Sounds like you got everything covered! Check water seperator and fuel filter for water also.
  8. Way to go rolmops!! Like you posted on another post, you kept your ride out of the winterized mode and it defiantly payed off!! Some nice weather coming this week also. I got a trip or two planed also. Did so-so on a local lake Friday, see what happens. As long as it stays in the high 20's at night and gets 45 or better I won't give her the pink drink for the winter. But I won't risk a frozen block. I put a drop light wired to where the light hangs under the oil pan!! Warm oil holds the heat long and keeps the block warm also.
  9. What outdrive does it have Merc? Kind of looks like it, can't really tell for shore??
  10. Looks like a bad case of the shingles, maybe the turkey had the chicken pox earlier in life LOL.
  11. Damn close, if you didn't know the pics. weren't from different places I would of picked the ocean, like Dan mentioned the LakeO waves were worse!! That's messed up
  12. Weather man talks of a nice week. Temps in the high 60's with a 90% chance of a mild winter, so have at Rolmops!! I'm headed somewhere this week, mabe catch the tail end of the run or steels,& Browns. Either way can't be any worse than the entire year so far.
  13. It happens every time there is a in depth conversation, you could mention you picked beautiful red roses for your girl friend,and there would be some plant lover telling/yelling you that you should've used artificial roses. Now there telling you, you shouldn't kill those pretty flowers. wtf.
  14. Are you sure you weren't at jersey shore? LOL?
  15. That's a sweet looking motor, don't give it away to the right person this would bring better $$$. I had a mid 1940's Sears and Robucks motor it was a 7hp 1 lunger with the gas tank on top,I guess they thought you weren't going far as the tank only held 2 quarts of fuel?? I sold that motor for twice the amount of money your asking, and yours is mint condition.
  16. O'l mama nature has a way of healing her babies, I have seen this more than once. This is a perfect example of this bucks will power to survive. Nice to see. Thanks for sharing.
  17. Man those are slammer bucks!! You must have felt anger when you found out that 2 of the 3 were shot illegal!! On the other hand it does seem like when the rut starts around home there are a few big bucks killed by vehicles, defiantly a let down either way. Those bucks would have made a handful of guys or young guys/ girls very proud. One thing I don't understand is those guys that shoot the big rack bucks illegally is you can't even show off your harvest!! I know if I shot any of those bucks you have on camera I would of paraded around proud as a peacock. Just don't understand why or what they get out of killing a buck like that illegally?? I would have to say greed is the issue. Thanks for sharing. PAP
  18. Thanks guys, yes a small round punch would work, but with the center punch you can get closer to the outside edge and once the punch locates itself it's easier to to stay in the same spot. The jarring of the punch at the same time applying pressure to the screw in the out direction. I have removed many a screws and even bolts. I really think the jarring of the screw is what loosens the screw. Again good luck.
  19. Well this is the most encouraging info so far, as for the birds one could have a field day with a 12 bore!! Crows are pretty tough come winter time, I would think with those being bigger than a crow it would be interesting to say the least.
  20. Lay the motor flat, preferably on a set of sawhorses take a center punch put a good point on it then on the outer edge of the screw preferably in the slot angle the punch so that your in the off position left to loose right to tight, with a hammer tap the punch until screw loosens, might have go a little more than a tap and it will loosen. Make sure your on the most outer edge of the screw but not in the aluminum of the housing. I use like a 16-20 oz. hammer and like a little more than a 45* angle of the punch. Take your time and it will come out. There's no need for these plugs to be that tight. Good luck you'll get it.
  21. If they would enforce that rule a little more that would certainly help those poor little guys that fish the Black River!!! I've witnessed boats blast pass those two older guys and there is a no wake sigh on Allen's building. I can't believe that someone didn't swamp those guys yet!!
  22. Very nice!! Are you getting anything done with the hide. The Bears fur looks very good.
  23. Yea, I do the same as Vince, and never had an issue with scale and rust. I once bought a boat that had severe rust issues inside but once I got it corrected it's been good to me ever since
  24. The Hull truth has a whole a bunch of posts about using vinegar. It reads that the vinegar really works. They have video on outboards \ inboards. I typed the hull truth using vinegar to clean manifolds
  25. Sweet Kevin!! Now the work comes. Congrats to your hunt with meat!!!
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