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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Xxx

    SLR 8/15

    That's a nice theory, wish more would think like that. But I do understand not everyone can do that, like those that's only get a few weeks or even days on the lake a year. I will respect their decision within the laws. This year was a bust for me, so I know how others feel. Thanks for posting your SELF imposed slot idea, Cool !!!
  2. Well first off Welcome to the site, ask any kind of question, nothing is to stupid of a question, there are many well seasoned folks that fish and will be more than willing to answer your questions. Good luck and tight lines to you and your son!! PAP.
  3. Xxx

    SLR 8/15

    Great photo, and congrats to your eye fishing trip. Fishing any River is a challenge let alone coming up with a system that works. Congrats to your trip!!! PAP
  4. Xxx

    SLR eye

    Chas that pic. is just priceless. I am so happy for you and your family!! It's said that if you start them out early that they won't experience sea sickness later on, I think your off to a good start. Even though my girls were on boats very early in life they did get a bit queezy bellies on the cruise we just took. But it was minimal. I don't recall one person I know that would be able to say they held a walleye and a nice one at that by the ripe old age of 7 months!! Great pics. Thanks for sharing your family with all of ours. Good luck and be safe with the little guy. Your friend PAP.
  5. Yea like Jigstick stated, what type of boat, do you have downriggers, what type of poles and reels are you using, what type of gear do you have. Dipsy divers, spin doctors flashers flies, spoons. Just to give you an idea what to ask how to use, or the guys will try to explain what you need or how to use it properly. Good luck this season, it's cool that your daughter is interested in fishing. I have twin daughters that love to fish off dads boat, but that won't last forever as they will turn 11 soon.
  6. WOW Larry those are some impressive numbers, congrats to you and your buddy!! PAP
  7. Xxx

    Keep vs release

    To all the Lake Erie eye fishermen/ladies you folks are certainly blessed to have such a great fishery in your back yard. I have been fortunate enough to fish the western basin in the spring using hair jigs in 8-10ft of water where you can't get the fish off fast enough to get back at it, and also been there during the transition from jigs to worm harnesses, a true blast. I also fished the central basin where we ran up to the Canadian line to catch nice 24-26" eyes. On my bucket list is to fish the Eastern basin, Dunkirk ect. That lake is loaded with eyes and I feel that natural reproduction is at it best as the locals call the size of the fish, the hatch of 2009, 2011 and some hogs the hatch of 2007 ect. There was talk of lowering the creel limit but that didn't happen do to a excellent hatch in the years that allowed the limit to stay as is. The locals respect their fishery and I witnessed many of the big girls put back in the lake, even the charter we took the first time out said "its not the law but to protect our jobs and the future fishermen we would appreciate if you guys release the big girls, you will get your limit of eyes I promis you that" Maybe if that was the practis of all of us there would be more natural reproduction through out the big LakeO. I by no means are preaching catch and release, and all of us that are serious eye fishermen know the cost of everything just to catch one of these elusive critters, so if it's a 10# eye that hits the deck I don't blame you one bit if she hits the frying pan, but if you are lucky enough to live close to your favorite eye spot and catch a limit every other day than maybe it would be good practice to release a few of the big girls for the next youth fisher folks to enjoy. Again I'm not against anything within the rules and regs. Tight lines to all and a freezer full of the other white meat!!!
  8. I had a 1988 88SPL Evinrude and I also had a power pack go bad but that caused me to loose two cylinders, I got a new one from a marina just before the TGI bridge. But your troubles sound simular to a problem I had after I put the new power pack on, it wouldn't rev up, this was because the timing was way off. I gave the book to the fellow that bought the boat, but from what I remember I used a timing light and you need the engine at a certain rpm to adjust the timing, I do remember it was higher than what it is on a I/O. It sounds to me like a timing issue, mine also worked fine at low rpm but the rpm's wouldn't pick up and it was due to the timing being way retarded. I needed to advance the timing but had to back off the throttle adjustment as it increased the rpm's. I needed to do this several times until I had it right. After I had the timing set correctly she would crank to 7 grand instantly, like a hole different motor. Google the timing procedure and just check it, it only takes a few minutes, just for a piece of mind. Make sure your butterflies are opening all the way first. Good luck, I hope you get it figured out as you said the Kings are just around the next turn!!!
  9. A very respectable comment coming from a professional fisherman, nicely said Capt. Vince!!
  10. There are two seals in the upper case that go over the upper shaft, one goes upside down which keeps the water from getting into the gear oil the other goes right side up which keeps the oil from running out of the case. I just rebuilt my whole out drive and my water seal was completely gone and the oil seal left water into the upper gear set which caused the upper gear set to be ruined, water got in the bearings and destroyed the upper gears. It's a project to do if you are a little mechanical inclined. I did it so it's not that hard. You should have a book to tell you the procedure, the nut on the input shaft was the hardest part, make sure you lay the parts out exactly how they came out, exspecally the shims!! Good luck but I would say that's your problem.
  11. OOO YA that's a bigin beautiful fish guys, congrats to you on the release, a pic is worth a thousand words and I'm all for a replica mount.
  12. Xxx

    SLR 8/15

    Man you guys ROCK!!!! Keep up the excellent work. PAP.
  13. Fantastic job rbonnell!!! I can see the by the bulging forearm and the gritty smile on Jr. face that you guys had a blast. Congrats to your day !!
  14. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the info, I'd hate to spend over $200.00 for another hole set up when I don't need the hole smear. I really thank you guys for your input!! Best of luck fishing, PAP.
  15. I have a E-Z Steer system from I/O to kicker, some how the end piece that is "plastic" with the quick disconnect snapped off clean with the round metal tube. Does EZ steer make replacement ends? I called Cabelas where I bought it. It's about 7-8 years ago, but I don't think they changed anything. My rod lays on the shelf of the boat 250 miles away. I looked quickly on the net, but I thought maybe someone went through this already. Thanks for any help. PAP.
  16. LMAO, about the son-in-law, that's awesome. Kill him, omg that's funny!!!
  17. They grow up fast enjoy your time with them, it seems like yesterday we brought the girls home and now their 10. I'm still #1 in their eyes but soon the boy's scene will be on the mind. They both know I'm not looking forward to that day. They both know dad has a big stick and lots of guns!!!
  18. Xxx

    Keep vs release

    Just a example of conservation, for 20 years I went to Canada where we caught walleyes buy the boat load. The same crew wants to go back for their last trip to Canada most of our crew is 70 plus of age. We called the outfitter to reserve our dates and now there is a slot limit and a lake limit which doesn't coincide with Quebec's legal limit, the outfitters limit is less. I remember very well a native Indian saying "you guys take'em out buy the boat load but you never bring 1 back" so now 40 years later the fish must be 18" but no bigger than 24" with 1 fish over 30" for a trophy. I can honestly say I'm saw the writing on the wall that is why there are strict reg on this lake now. Don't say that will never happen.
  19. Well I'll let eating those slimy critters up to the folks that have a better stomach than I!! On a brighter note I watch a show about the Great Lakes called Silent Invaders, very interesting show and they claim they are getting a grip on the lamprey with hormone scents and sterilizing the males seems senseless but if the females mate with sterilized males the population won't grow and with the lamprecide they are getting a grip on the situation. With many other things to try, they claim they will never get them all but will be able to keep them at a minimum.
  20. Best bet if your traveling far is to remove the kicker. Once I'm at camp I leave it on to go from place to place up there, but would not trailer my kicker 250 miles from home.
  21. Xxx

    trolling for eyes

    Elknud89 I have fished Rays Town lake. I trolled long leads off the riggers with J9 in the perch color and the flor. Orange color with some success, we usually fish that lake in the fall after the summer season activities slow down.
  22. Hey guys, that's fantastic, that's some fillets for the freezer. Congrats to your day!!!! PAP.
  23. Holy crap ED, I sure hope you are alright, not that it makes a difference but didn't you just get a new boat?
  24. Wow that ones really dark already. Congrats to your catch.
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