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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Thanks to all that send their condolences to me for the loss of my brother, the funereal went extremely well, I got to read my own words of the good times and of the times he received nicknames (the streak) and of times we had together on LakeO and the river (ST Lawrence) I want to thank all of you. Kevin I would like to meet up with you next spring, and Justin you are a true inspiration to the walleye folks, keep up with your tour of duty to get Otisco to the Great Lake you want it to be, till we all meet again tight lines to all PAP!!
  2. Thanks guys, may the walleye gods be with us. I will be making a trip up to camp soon as tis the season ends, I will be out on our local lake to make up for the time lost on LakeO Kevin I hope to look you up this spring as i now a place to stay on the river. Justin you are a true inspiration to the walleye guys, I hope this year 2015 I get to meet you, even if I have to go out of my way to do so, and if you do another LOU fishing day I should have no issues getting there. Till then tight lines to all PAP.
  3. Happy Birthday Hank, I think that being a mod on this site is a special privilege, and all of you do a terrific job. Keep twisting wrenches as long as possible, good mechanics are far and few between. You have the best day ever!!! Our family wishes you many more healthy years to come. PAP!!!
  4. Thank to everyone, it was a tough one to swallow, but he is in a much better place now, I wish I could post the pic. Of the smallies he and his buddy caught one day on the river ( St Lawrence) he loved the river. We were supposed to fish LakeO this year but his schedule with the docs. Made it impossible to make the trip, and I wasn't going without him. Next year will be a different story. I was the only one he would listen to, as far as taking his meds. Ect. Thanks again guys it was a pleasure to read your condolences-- PAP
  5. As always Kevin, its a pleasure to open your posts, nice catch and great pics. Oh buy the way a buddy of mine bought a house on the river, he told me its about 50 miles above Clayton, so maybe we could get together next spring. He is doing the closing on the property this week. Stan is up there now and will fish till Friday, to be home for my brothers funeral, as he lost the battle against cancer Sunday at 12:01 am which was my grandmothers 100 birthday, PAP
  6. Nice catch, I like using crabs this time of the year. My personal best smallie came on a crab!! Got to love the fight that a smallie puts up, wat to go!!!!
  7. I think you are reading your depth finder correctly, some of the seasoned folks have mentioned that they see the fish STREAKING towards their lures, I have noticed this myself when fishing for lakers, balls 10ft off the bottom and a strait line towards my rig,with a hook up seconds later. I'm sure someone with a lot more experience will chime in and be more helpful.
  8. WOW, that's a pile of birds, my cousins grind them up and make hot pepper sticks with them. They are pretty darn good, I tried to make the breast meat like a turkey and like JT mentioned it was terrible, used the other one for coyote bait and they didn't want it either. At least that will be 72 less birds $hitting on the sidewalks down in Allentown Pa. They have a real problem with them down there. Good job Kevin!!!!
  9. Nice fish congrats on your catch. You sure are testing the toons capabilitys there Pike freak!!! Keep up the nice posts with pics.!!
  10. That's very neat, I never saw a door like that either!! Boat looks very clean and not that bad of a price!!
  11. I'm. Not laughing at you 2 guys, I'm laughing with you, down here in pa I thought I would do a solo trip to be by myself, and what could go wrong did. Must of been in the air today.
  12. Xxx

    Oneida 9/14

    Nice pics. Of mixed bag, I'll take that size perch all day. The walleye look healthy also. Good job!!
  13. Sounds like a good idea JT, even if they just get wind of such, they might change their ways.
  14. It shouldn't matter how much or little you fish,this is unacceptable behavior!!! One of the reasons I quit snowmobiling was because of the drunks, and with the power and speed of these newer machines it got down right scary!!! Now they put all kinds of laws into effect that the ordinary guy can't have a little fun. If you don't stop this soon someone will get hurt, and maybe a law will discontinue us guys to NO fishing after dusk. Don't say "that will never happen" because it almost happened on our local lake. Due to numb heads trolling at night and then running full speed threw the no- wake zone and launch area and upset a elderly man trying to load up a 14ft aluminum boat and he was injured. Now it's policed to a certain extent at night. But now when he's bored he plagues us off for something to do. It only take 1 idiot to ruin it for all of us.
  15. Ditto to JT comment, it's day to day for my brother, he was able to make a local lake trip but went backwards to quick to make a Lake O trip, by all means get him out there, my blessings are with him to make this trip possible. Larry take care, I'm sure you will do your damn best effort for him. CANCER SUCKS!!!! PAP.
  16. Way to go Kevin, I can't wait to open your posts, I truly admire your determination to seek OL' Marble EYE!! and your constant success truly shines. You are a very blessed man to have such a great fishery in your back yard. Keep the success and the exciting posts with pics. coming, thanks PAP.
  17. Way to Kevin, great job. I never knew one of my friends parents have a house right on the river in Clayton, and her father has a good ramp into the river, and said I could launch there any time. So next year when we come up tp the BRCG, for a week if we get a day or two with a big blow we could try the river!! My brother was up earlier this summer and he showed me the pics, the smallies they caught were awesome!!! Of course I would like to try for an eye or two LOL.
  18. My buddy Lonnie and his friend had a hot set up last week, they were up for a week and did 68 matures out of Henderson, 15 ft behind the ball they wouldn't even tell me, but I'll get it sooner or later. He has a boat kind of looks like a catamaran with 2 outboards on it.
  19. That's a really cool historical find there, do they plan to raise her at some time?
  20. I didn't get up this year fishing due to my brothers battle with cancer, but he was in partnership in a hunting camp in up stateNY and I got invited to take his place this year and I must say I'm exited to get to hunt NY state white tails.I don't know exactly where it is but it's not far from the WigWam bar. I was at that bar once while I used to snowmobile a lot up there. I think the last I rode sled up there was back in 2000. We are coming up the week before Thanksgiving!!
  21. Yea those are some slammer lakers and a beautiful brownie I might add, thanks for sharing the post and pics.!!!!
  22. Great post PikeFreak, good going on your catch!!! This time of the year you don't need all the bells and whistles to catch fish. It looks like your fishing from a pontoon boat correct? You use what you have to the best of your ability, it's not about the having the best of the best anyway. Fishing is supposed to be fun with friends and family!!! Great job man!!
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