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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Man that really sucks!! those fish would have made someone very happy on the opener of the season. That is a real crime!!
  2. Yea what JT said, and yes it does work and rather well, I use the real image fish in perch and anything that resembles live forage in the lake. I use the Eagle claw swim bait hooks, like JT said they screw into the bait. I use the Z-man Swimmerz, Berkley Gulp alive, I have used them off bottom bouncers for walleye in the spring with very good results, and my all time favorite is S'ebile Magic Swimmer, they come with the hooks and round weight balls and these have holes in the body for the hook, they are a little costly but what isn't if it works. OH and I tried them off the side with a 40 jet don't get to comfortable in the seat, you will be running after a pole as the jet dives, it seems most of the time I get hits on the way down. Good luck, they work.
  3. As I right this it is at 26 degree's and tomorrow it's going to get into the 40's I still gave her the old drop cord heat with a 40w bulb, no sense taking any chances now, only days away from test run on local lake.
  4. Xxx

    Sold / Closed Spoooons

    OOPS, need another coffee I guess
  5. Yea, all you teachers out there are a special kind, My wife is a teacher for 28 years and 23 years of Special ED.
  6. Xxx

    Sold / Closed Spoooons

  7. DJ is it amazing the patience you have with your own kids with stuff like this, yet nothing pi$$es me off more than when we tangle with all adults or supposed to be, aboard!!!
  8. Last year I had my twin daughters up and we got checked for the normal boating safety things and he commented on the good life vests I had on the girls, I had my uncles 16ft boat and we were in the Black River and only using 1 pole per person, I asked the coast guard official, next year I plan to have my boat together for the lake and would the girls age 9 be able to run more than 1 pole per person, and this is what he told me, anyone fishing with a licensed or under age of a license may operate 3 rods per person. I'm not sure if that's right or not, as how could a child operate 3 rods on their own. At first he did seem to be reluctant to say yes, so he threw what he said at me?? Really if I have 2 licensed adults and the girls 8 rods is enough for me anyway.
  9. The boat I bought was only on Oneida but the guy who owned it lived in New Jersey, so the trailer and boat was registered in Jersey and had to go get it (saw it in New York) so his plates and Ins. covered me to PA. and he had to be in person at the Notary public, because of out of state sales, when finished I put my plates on and gave his plate back. that's the way it works in PA. anyways, sounds like the post above. Good luck on your purchase!!
  10. Don't worry guys he is the same camp as I, FleetTracker you buy the BUG and I'll plant it. LOL
  11. Xxx

    Cheek meat!

    The first time I saw this was about 35 years ago, we were up in Canada and a older "Indian" (Canadian) showed this to us and he taught me, I was always the fillet guy and my dad was the cook on our trips and we called them Poor mans scallop, to me there better than a scallop!! since then there hasn't been 1 walleye skeleton that had the cheek meat on it.
  12. Thanks to all that posted their thoughts, I will shorten up my leaders and use the sizes that were recommended. I never used a fluro. leader before and spooled six reels with Power Pro 30# 8# dia. so I definitely need the leaders this year. Cabelas, at the Hamburg store has a incredible sale going on starting this Thursday and will be getting the last of my needs thanks to the folks on this great site, this year will be a great year for me to fish Lake O and really looking forward to it. I think by reading all the posts on here with this LONG winter I learned more than I have all my fishing years!! I can't thank those folks that helped me out with a lot of questions and got answered by well informed and experienced fishermen. I feel like I have a lot of self confidence in my self, now that I understand the "how to" Good luck to all and be safe on the water. PAP.
  13. After reading that post from Lowrance, I think many guys will be scratching there head that article was a real eye opener for me also, one thing I wanted to tell you guys was I did a little experiment myself, I had 10# rigger weight and was fishing Henderson Harbor had weights set at 115ft and was running over a lot of fish and no takers, and others were killing them, so I pulled up everything and set 1 rigger at 115 and headed towards Stony island at 2.2mph and didn't bump up until we hit 75ft of water, that's how much blow back we had, since then we went to heavier weights and got better results and less blow back, also was going with what the sonar was showing us, not so and we proved it to ourselves, you can't go by what the depth finder is showing unless your rigger cable is strait down.
  14. Your going to get a mix bag of comments with such a question, some are faint at heart, will say that's to rough 2fters Yea, 4fters EEgh I wouldn't try it, and those balls to the wall guys will say 2-4 that's nothing. I would say I fished those conditions and it's border line to having fun and getting beat up, so I would ask myself, what am I comfortable operating my boat in, maybe take a ride and see for yourself before making a decision. Just trying to be bias here, as we are all gun-ho right now, lots of time for a better forecast, if your a rookie at the wheel. also which direction the wind is coming in is a big facture also as you will be in tight to the shore and with this winter who knows what lies below, 2-4 ft waves, wind blowing toward the shore your fishing gives little time to correct a problem and then LAND-HO, many factors to consider before calling it off and having a banner day. Just my .02$ what ever you decide Good luck!!
  15. WOW!! thanks for sharing that very impressive bit of information, I can plainly see now I've been fishing below a lot of fish, and there was a post saying that a lot of people run to deep and understandably why, if you don't know what your looking at, who would of thought that the sharp arches aren't the one's you want to be paying attention to, the rounder more flat one are where to set up on, GOOD GREIF Charlie brown, Hey it just goes to show you your never to old to learn. Excellent thread guys
  16. Yea, I realize that would be the best approach, but when you figure out a lure or color that is working and 6 poles out it would be nice to be able to switch over without retying every line. My thought was to use a 50ft fluro. leader attached to the main line with a Spro swivel small enough to fit through the eyes on my poles and can be reeled onto my reel and just use a duo to attach the lure, and I really don't know what size to use that won't be overkill or on the other hand be to small and not allow the lure to work properly or isn't this really an issue?, they claim swivels directly to the lure kills its action
  17. What size duo-locks do you guys recommend for stick baits and the smaller walleye spoons, I would like to experiment with different more stealthy approaches this year with out sacrificing my lure action, whether the locks being to big and deterring the action of the lures or the opposite being to small and not letting the lure act itself. Any input towards this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks PAP
  18. My uncle builds dirt modified race car engines and he repowered my 350 merc. punched 30 over with all the modern goodies as it was a 1982 flat tappet and now a full roller motor 2 years ago and what PKomrowski said is what he recommended I use it's not cheap but neither are new motors!!
  19. I'd love to turn the crow and owl on my Fox Pro and a few decoys out for that farmer and I promise I'll bring my water gun. LOL
  20. . I doesn't matter who it was. It's water over the dam and I'll keep my hunting tactics to myself from here on, Everyone is entitled to there opinion that's what keeps the world going round. There are folks out there that will **** about anything just to make themselves heard. I learned a lot this winter about different topics, so I'll just stick to the general rule of thumb. Lets talk fishing and let god sort the rest out. Peace brother I remember that. I was the other half.
  21. I know what you mean I mentioned crow hunting and half of NY jumped down my neck, I don't talk hunting or small stream fishing as it sounds like it's sacred grounds to some, but I love my predator hunting, and small game on the account of the guys getting together and having fun!! I'm a people person and can get along with "most" anybody, you really have to be goon to get under my skin LOL.
  22. Ya, I hear you JT, Just going to get boat ready and see what happens with the lake and that will determine what we do. Maybe just sit in the boat on the trailer and drink beer!!! and talk about the good ol' days, I hope the lake will be open by then and hope to get some browns in by then.
  23. Champ99B, anyone who served this country so we can have the luxury of being a proud American is a true friend of mine, I have uncles and friends who served in Nam, and my heart and hand goes out to all the VETS. of this country. One of my buddies who fishes with me is going through the cancer bit as we speak and they claim it's from the crud he was exposed to over there, and my brother has the same $hit, CANCER SUCKS!!!
  24. I agree with the above posts, maybe it's just one of my hang ups, being in the starter and alt. business, I know that electronics fail, I did my boat but I bought my pertronix set up through Summit Racing and purchased 2 right away and kept the points set up in the glove box, I see way to many failures in electronics anymore to put my trust in just having 1 set up. I know with a points system I can make an engine run, with a electronic set up when it quits your done. Just my 2$
  25. OH MY GOD, I couldn't even imagine receiving a phone call like that, many prayers go out to your family from our family, so sorry to hear.
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