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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. I'm a out of state fisherman, I would of preferred they kept the licenses at $70.00 and give the state the $50.00 and the other $20.00 to fund another hatchery in the western part of the state instead of the whole lake relying on the Salmon River Hatchery. There are a lot of us and the funding would of put a ton of cash in the hands of the folks that keep the fishery as great as it is. I know my uncles and other guys wouldn't have a problem with that theory, that way it would help everybody out, like one posted us who have been using the lake for years already have a place to stay, we have a camper in the Black River Camp Grounds, we cook our own meals, the only thing we spend money on is fuel and live bait. So my assumption is somebody dropped the ball with dropping the fishing licenses, thinking it will draw more out of state folks, to boost the economy buy using motels and restaurants, we do use the local grocery store for our needs, we don't drag food along but that's it. First of all Dexter only has 1 motel and all the rooms are taken by the military guys from Fort Drum, so there are lots of motels in Water Town, but it's a drive to the lake everyday, ya gotta do what ya gotta do I guess. We get a $20.00 break and the locals get a whopping $1.00 break, I don't blame you guys that are bitter with your governor.
  2. Les I was referring to the "fish" in the lake for your title LOL
  3. Knowing all is well, our family prayers go out to Jims family, as you grow stronger day by day, soon you will look back and know you were in good hands all the way. This will be a life changing experience for you.
  4. Gotta hand it to ya Les, your more brave than I, at 7 degrees I'd be home watching Al Linder catching walleyes next to the fire place, I got a new title for you "Relentless pursuit" Keep us weak kneed anglers posted. PAP
  5. Congrats on your purchase, are you going to install it your self, keep us posted with progress as this might be my next big purchase, thanks PAP. from what I read about them it doesn't seem to difficult, just time consuming, but you have lots of time till spring Good luck with it!!
  6. Just out of curiosity does the thru hull get mounted in the bilge area of the boat? I see they are angled is this to make up the difference, because mine Sea-Ray has a slight v all the way to the end of the transom. Thanks pap. I have a p66 laying around for years, I got it from a guy who stopped to ask me what this was, it came with a boat he bought and it had a transom mount ducer and he was happy with it the way it was, after I told him you need to drill a hole in the bottom of your new boat to use this ducer, he handed it to me and said Merry Christmas, I'm not drilling no holes in my boat and especially that big of one. I don't know if the angle of this one is right for my boat, maybe I'll look into it come spring. First I need to figure out what finder I'm going to get.
  7. I don't live in NY. or I would look this info up myself, but is there a discount for purchasing a 3 or 5 year non-resident fishing license? Thanks PAP.
  8. I bet that was a sight, through the field glasses of the coast guard crew. I bet they were laughing to hard to even think of giving that poor bastard a summons, and then on what, I never heard it was illegal to have a life size doll on board, as long as she wore a life vest, not only doesn't he have one friend he's, also a desperate man in many ways, LOL.
  9. I think this is one of the best threads ever started, not one argument, everybody 2 up on each others boats, maybe this is what we needed, "good OL' boat watching therapy" If your boat floats and you laugh more then 3 times an outing and land 1 fish either a 3"goby or a 30# salmon then your boat is a top notch vessel, That's how I look at it, keep em coming there all beauty's.
  10. Frogger, I think jr smiles on those pics. are priceless. I think you got yourself a full time fishing buddy. I know he's hooked!! just got that look in his eyes.
  11. Is that the original hard top, I never saw a Islander with that hard top, Really sweet looking Dave. Just goes without saying, learn something new every day.
  12. Yea, that's what I'm talking about, I thought that's how it is all the time, till I saw those pictures LOL.
  13. Yea you got that right, I was thinking instead of planning a trip, just jump in the truck and head up, that way mother nature wouldn't have time to plan a major blow!!
  14. I noticed 1 thing about all these fine looking boats, the folks that took pictures on the water, calm sea, beautiful blue sky. Why is it always so damn windy and 2-3fters when I come up to go fishing, I'm feeling jealous!!
  15. Thanks, for clarifying that for me. It seems ridiculous not to have a back up plan, for one of the most sought after fish in Lake Ontario.
  16. I didn't see any of the private hatchery's that raise the Chinook salmon, so does this mean that all of lake Ontario relies on the Salmon River Hatchery? like someone posted earlier what would happen if something went bad at SRH, would Canada have any or what would happen, I can plainly see why people would want a back up hatchery or 2 hatchery's producing the Chinook salmon. People come from all over the country to fish this salmon, which brings a lot a money to the area, not to mention jobs if the open up the other hatchery. I understand not wanting to contaminate the hatchery but couldn't they isolate the Chinook eggs from the rest of the hatchery or isn't that easy?
  17. Let's see from what I gather the Chinook salmon that are in the western part of Ontario are actually raised at the salmon river hatchery, which I took a tour of one year, totally fascinating, my eyes and ears were wide open the whole trip what a place. So they transport these fish all the way out there, when there is a hatchery out in the western part? and they won't use it because why? something about a virus, wouldn't it be cheaper and more successful for the fish, then they will be closer for the transport of the fish, do they always put them in pens to get acclimated to the waters.
  18. Everybody that posted a picture of your boat, VERY,VERY nice nothing gets the old heart a pumping seeing all these beautiful boats all rigged and ready to go, I can't wait to get healed up and post a picture of my old 1982 rickity racity Sea Ray, I'm not proud it does what I wanted it to do so it's good enough for me.
  19. Would you consider splitting the whole thing up, interested in the spoons, If not I understand and no problem thanks PAP
  20. What types of rods and reels for lead core do you have and, what do you want for them and what other types of rod and reels do you have?
  21. Thanks AL, for the reply, can you get down to 1.5 and the autopilot stays on course, so you can set lines and then adjust speed, don' want to be a pain in the a$$ but I talked to different folks at West Marine and they were clueless and it's a major chunk of change were talking about, and I want to get it right the first time.
  22. Legacy is 100% correct.
  23. I have been looking into autopilots myself, one thing I'm perplexed about is the pump, I have I guess what you would call power assist, I have a power steering pump on the motor with hard lines that go back to what looks like a miniature hydraulic steering rack, but I have cables up to this steering wheel itself, why do you need a pump, is this so you can run the steering pump without the main engine running. Like to use the outdrive to steer easy so you can use a kicker and steer from the helm or auto pilot of your gps. One other thing I was reading was some auto pilots once below 1.5 mph cancel out and resume to 3.mph I don't want that one it was a 1000 series of some sort, which set ups do you trolling guys use, it would be nice to set all the lines as I usually only have one other guy and you know how it is, when it's just easier to do it your self, and not get frustrated before the day even starts. Oh about the autopilot resuming to 3mph, that wouldn't happen to me because I will have to adjust my speed with the kicker, which is a 2 stroke, I have the throttle handle tighten up so it wont back off over a period of time, I had this problem before and there is adjustment for this so I just tightened the twist handle so it stays where I put it. I purchased the extension handle so it's easy to adjust for different speeds, I also saw where the auto pilots have different patterns, like zig-zag a clover leaf and other patterns that they perform automatically, I thought that would be a nice feature to have.
  24. I know it wasn't through the ice, but how about the monsters you caught on your walleye outing which was nothing short of fantastic also.
  25. Thanks, I was reading if you want to track your rigger weights the 50/200 is the unit you want, but others were saying they could track their weights with the 83/200 so I didn't know for sure what I wanted to do, I was leaning towards the 50 but didn't want to screw up either. Most people don't care ,but I was on a friend of a friends boat and he has all the bells and whistles and I thought being able to see the fish streak towards the bait was the coolest thing I ever witnessed, now I want one lol
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