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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. I was no where near death but a bad enough accident that I know where your coming from Dan, I look at life at a whole different angle from then on. I wish you your health because without that you have have nothing. Best of wishes PAP. I can tell you years of recovery this site was my sanity, until my family got home. !!!!
  2. Ttt Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  3. We had our maiden voyage last night. Started out dead calm got out the truck at a very good spot that I had permission to hunt when my brother was still with us, so i called Clark up and asked him if I could still have permission to hunt. Of course he said yes. Its a golf course that borders a housing development where the deer ran rampant and the otherside is a huge swamp. Being pretty pumped up as I-we had success there before, I rolled one together with that dead coyote load at approximately 50 yards. Looked like you shot in a lime bag there was so much hair blown of that critter!! LOL. Needless to say it was blowing like all hell up there. I asked my brother in law if he would mind if we pulled out on the account of the wind and he agreed. So we went for a ride at 9:pm. I just didn't want to get spotted in the golf course, as thats about the best place I know of. So no dogs for us. After this storm it should be game on!! Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  4. I’ll take 50 minion and a new sticker for my new truck, sold the other and the sticker went with it.
  5. Xxx

    for sale : usa 1989 thompson 240 fisherman hardtop

    Where is this boat located, how many hrs. On the motor, plus condition of transom. I would assuming the stringers are alright if you put a new floor in, interested in this boat.
  6. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Being funny, this could be me. I’m a mental mess sometimes I can’t rememder shyt, looked for my glasses for 1/2hr they where on my head, LOL
  7. That good, I wonder if they all are doing the same? The West Marine in Watertown Ny. Is ridiculous with their prices. I sure hope they decide to do the same.
  8. Thanks Wallyandre, that sure clears things up, I’m going to print this out. Keep handy!!
  9. Also we payed two different types of taxes for the fishing license but now you only get back 1 at the U.S. customs. But anyway I looked that lake up WOW, that is one hell of a trip, the fishing is beyond great I fished Kippawa lots of eyes, and lakers and I fished Gouin Res. We didn’t even a fish a 1-100th of water on the res. I sure like to fish that lake/outfitter, 20hp motors you will be able to cover turf. That’s a little out of my budget.
  10. Evidently you must have run store bought boards. Every revolution on my planer mast is approximately 1ft my boards are out 50+ every trip and with homemade board or the Amish made I guarantee you there’s no bow or line laying in the water. It’s a strait shot from the pulley to the boards that are pulling like hell, the only time they give slack is the inside board on a hard turn.
  11. I was going to say, I wanted to replace hooks on some of the 3 hook lures I have, and our local bait shop owner fished bass tournaments so I thought he would know his shyt, he told me to make sure I put the same size hooks back on, on account the lure swims the way it did from factory. So I thought removing a hook would really upset the apple cart?? But I guess not.
  12. Ok that makes sense.
  13. I bought a pair of those same type trees maybe 2years ago. They work really nice. The kickers here is I bought them from a guy named ReelDiel, not ReelDiel”3” what are the chances?? LOL
  14. The east end from the pics and satellites, looks like a lot of ice yet. Anyone that lives at the east end could you give us not so lucky folks a on the scene a report on the ice conditions. Not to ice fish but how long till melt off. Thanks PAP. Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  15. Why would you do this?? Just for netting purposes. Not being a smart azz, just wondering??
  16. Got ya, yea I read in the instructions that the touch button cancels the dimming mode. I haven’t made my mind up at what I’m going to do. I’ve never had enough time to be dimming the gun light to a lower position, lights on bingo!! But I never had a gun light either, always someone lighting for me or vise verse. See how it goes.
  17. How does that work for you with the release on its side. I used a split ring that way when tension is put on the line they stand upright but pull to the back till they hit the plastic arm? Kinda like the idea you have buy making them solid though!! Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  18. Ha ha yea that’s funny I didn’t even see that. Question for you, do you guys just use the headlamp for you gun light as well as using it to scan the area?? My brother in law wants to go with just the headlamps, he’s going to try mine and go that way. In stead of buying the 47i light, and the headlamp.
  19. Nice to see ya on the big pond JT.!!! It’s really weird the west end is boating and the NE is locked up tighter than a frogs a$$ go figure!! Congrats my friend!!
  20. Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. Thank jimmac, I thought about this for a long time. Thinking I used to do this with a Brinkman spotlight and I bought the red defusing lens for it but that always required another guy to light or shoot. Now I can go when I want to go. I thought about just getting the headlamp, so I tried it with one of those lights that fit on you baseball type hat on the brim. I was thinking it could act as a double gun light and spot light. I couldn’t get the light to do both. I tried it in the driveway. So the 47i was on sale for $99.00 and the head lamp wasn’t that much more and for a piece of mind I got both. I sighted in my 22/250 today so I could mount the light, everything went smoothly. Now all I gotta do is get out there!! Sent from my iPad using Lake Ontario United mobile app
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