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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Ha Ha Ha!!! Yea that would be awesome if they were able to eat the hell out of the cormorant population!! Now that using your LakerTaker!! I like that idea. LOL hopefully they can be like those sharks that can live in fresh or salt water
  2. Yea what he said
  3. It’s a troller dream!! It’s a temp depth and speed probe that goes directly on the line of choice, then sends a signal to the transducer which then translates all that info into useful info to any type android phone or tablet.
  4. The north shores aren’t a walk in the grass either, if you don’t know the migration rout, or the spawning areas you’ll burn a lot of gas and wash a lot of lures. The Black River Bay is know as the walleye area of LakeO after that spawn is over, fill your fuel tanks it’s time to figure them out, there’s some go to spots which hold fish Year after year, but it still changes as the water temp changes, for 30 plus years we booked our Canadian trip on the second week of June and we always did well. Not like that on LakeO. I’m all for blessing Lake Ontario with more eyes, I’d even be willing to pay more for a license if that’s what it takes, but it ain’t gonna happen.
  5. 10-4 90% of the fish your after are in 10% of the water
  6. Now that’s a ass whole plane and simple, is it me or is this countries people getting more stupid as time wears on!! I know this is off subject but the other night I don’t believe anyone knows where the low beam switch is, these new vehicles with those bright blue headlights are dangerous!!
  7. Pretty cool drone shots and rolling video from a perspective not many of us get to see. How was the fishing?? Appears your petty well out there on the ice. I think you made a smart choice to wrap it up. Around here (NE.Pa.) the streams and rivers are blown out!! Going to check out our local lake on my way to Cabela’s to get some coyote gear. Thanks for sharing!!
  8. Yea I get what you mean, unless they were used very little or weren’t stored in the sun or even out in the weather till you you buy the red OR with the Pin your done right there already. Don’t get me wrong, there’s probably very few with more used stuff than I. I certainly can’t afford all this stuff new. I think the only 2-3 things that were new every time I bought something is underwear, and shoes and socks.
  9. Look up Franks Outdoors best prices out there, I ordered 8 of them, till you buy used and then need to replace releases or the pads you can buy brand new and know what ya have.
  10. Record walleye caught in New York waters was caught in Mystic Lake 2009 weighs 16.9#. This was using conventional fishing tackle.
  11. Get ahold of Wallyandre on here, he lives up there and is a more than a avid fisherman!!!
  12. Nicely done by the Frearson gang, nice yote!! Even nicer looking hounds. It’s amazing how they can go & go, always loved to hunt with dogs.
  13. Excellent job by the 2 of ya’s!! Where was the shot placed after the autopsy was pulled!! PAP
  14. That’s really a great moment for all involved!! Congrats Kevin to you Kevin for your time, knowledge and interest to do this!!
  15. WOW, that is the catch of a lifetime!!! Yes I’m so jealous congrats to that lucky angler!! Thanks for posting. Definitely a wall hanger with some Fame to come with it if it’s a new record, I hope for his sake it is!! Plus that’s really saying something for the walleye fishery’s the Great Lakes has to offer!!
  16. Honestly I wouldn’t have wanted that job of deciding which photo gets the prize!! There were so many calendar pics, I never though there were so many talented photo opportunities out there!! Congrats to all!! Who posted
  17. Coyote eyes usually shine like a brownish to like white but, I’ve made the same mistake and it was a green color, so I did some research and it has something to do with the amount of zinc I think their diet and also there age. I was using coyote sounds that’s what threw me for a loop. Also it was a good 300 yards away I was at a miniature model airplane strip. Did the same sneaky deal I was using a 1 million candle power light with a red lens and I put the beam right to it and still couldn’t make a positive ID. surely didn’t want to shoot someone’s dog. Had to pass through a development to get to state game land.
  18. Got a new phone don’t know how I managed this post. Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  19. Thats a good price from franks thats where I bought all my new inline boards. Thats about $6-7 cheaper than the same clip off their own website!! Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  20. We used to use a drip set. Used cows livers in like bed sheet material hang from a branch. Drives them crazy they cant reach it Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  21. X2 Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  22. Sent from my LG-M327 using Lake Ontario United mobile app
  23. Your talk about OR19 and such or the Black, white with the bigger pads like for salmon??
  24. The part that was really crazy!! Is I was showing my wife Todd’s post and I’ll be dipped in shyt, I said look look it was on tv on our world news. 6:30-7:pm!! That’s was just as crazy as the driver of that boat, the son in law had to be scared shytless just to go with that nit-wit
  25. After iwhistler’s comparisons sure sheds light on size, at first I thought it looked kinda close, but a quick glance the wolf scull is way more stout than the coyotes snout area and just gets bigger as it goes, to say that the wolf’s mouth would hold the yotes head is definitely possible and with ease from my point of view. That wolf’s skull is huge, that would be like messing with a Great Dane vrs. My beagle. LOL.
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