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Everything posted by Xxx

  1. Nothing wrong with what you have going on!! Maybe you could manufacture a cone on the front and weld a rudder like peice on the rear to make it run true. Most all my stuff I have I either made or had made, I certainly can afford a $1000.00 every time I see something I think, how could I do this on my own. I'd lay in bed at night and a idea pops into my head and I get out of bed and make a rough draft. The next day I'd go at it, sometimes I succeeded and others just looked like $hit. Good luck with your prodject!!! PAP!!
  2. Why not use a torpedo weight??
  3. That's why I'm putting slower riggers on my LakeO boat, the new mag20's are ridiculous fast. I broke the tip of my rigger rod the first time I sent the torpedo weight down, and I swear the boom was going to bust off when the ball does the auto stop thing, so I'm not putting my new probe on the mag20 rigger untill I become more familiar with this new fast riggers. I don't need to donate $250.00 on my first trip out with it.
  4. No Problem!! don't matter how you drive, it's how you arrive!!
  5. Xxx

    Sold / Closed 1996 Penn Yan 223 Rage

    That is very, very obvious!! Whith out a doubt your boat has seen a few cleaning towels in her time. Gorgeous boat maybe someday.
  6. Xxx

    Sold / Closed 1996 Penn Yan 223 Rage

    Man that is one beautiful peice of art!! That boat is nicer than factory!! If one didn't know better, you'd think it just came off the show room floor!! Best of luck with your sale!!
  7. I know your 1 hell of a fisherman, I kinda knew something was wrong with this picture, but honestly, could you give me some FishHawk 101 like how do you know where to find the temps, these lakes are huge!! I know you have to know what the temps your species prefer. But the temps move from storms ect. What would be a go to idea to locate such areas, using your chart plotter to find deeper water and head towards structure on the bottom? Thanks for any input!! PAP.
  8. So WoodieBoater, you feel if you had a fish hawk you would have done better, why? You caught more fish than bandrus1 but he caught differant species. Reason I'm asking is the last time I was up I installed a Fish Hawk X4D it's killing me not to be fishing with it!! But I have family issues (health) that need to be addressed first, plus I got my kicker in 2 pieces also, but I'm on the road to recovery with my kicker, so that's a plus.
  9. I'll take them if you wish to ship them, I'll pay the shipping fee!! Pm me back
  10. Yes indeed he did Les and if it weren't for him I'd be up $hits creek!! This is one of the reasons this site is the best!! People reaching out to help others!! With no intent to be rewarded other than maybe I'll need a favor some day!!
  11. Thanks Decoy Hound, although it's a serious matter and not being caught in time this could kill you, as it doesn't allow the body to make either white or red blood cells? The reason my wife took him to the emergency room was his forearm was swelled up she thought it was infected or something and they found this mess. Slowly but surely these riggers will lower a ball and bring it back to the surface before the season comes to an end!!! PAP
  12. Holy moly that is a tank!! That guy would be getting stuffed and on the wall of my man cave!! Congrats to your catch!!
  13. LOL X2.
  14. Well I finally got a chance to put this all together as a temporary thing as I'm getting the oak board finished and that will fit into the area in the back where the Bimini top folded up and stowed away. I didn't want people to think I was slacking off. My father in law has come down with a rare bone marrow disease which less than 2% of the peopl have in the U.S. But it is curable with cancer type methods, chemotherapy for 5 days then off a month than another 5 days of the same. Hopefully after that he can just take the chemotherapy pills they have now. So this has put my prodject on the back burner, but here's some pics. as I got it all together just waiting for my board to be finished so I can get it all in operation. Here's some pics, I've heard of these riggers having a digital read out, but these are before that era, so maybe someone could tell me approx. what time frame these riggers are from?? Also the last 2 pics. are of Fishnut's work and also the kingpin of this whole ordeal!! He is a true brother to this site and for that I commend him for his efforts put forth!! .
  15. Xxx

    Sold / Closed Starcraft islander 261v updated

    Come on someone buy this boat!! If I didn't already have 2 I'd buy this baby, but 3 boats, I'd have to sleep under the stars, and I don't mean some blond of my dreamsLOL
  16. I've been a Lowrance guy all my life, until I bought this last unit, I'm not going to bash Lowrance, but the headaches this unit has caused me to eat a whole bottle of migraine pills, their instructions suck, with having to push and hold theses buttons down with your 3rd arm hit this and that should get you back to the home screen, now with the touch screens it might be differant?? But do your homework and if I had to do it over, I'd have me a differant unit, I wanted down scan, so I could see structure below me, if I'm in the rocky bottom and marking fish, they could be what I'm after. My unit is on DownScan and sonar while my gps is a stand alone unit. So for me I'd have to go with my gut and that would be the helix.
  17. How about that!! Congrats to the Father/ Daughter team
  18. Yes indeed awesome trip, glad you took the younger gen, under your wing and showed them it cane be done. Congrats to all of ya's look like some nicer fillets for table fair!!!
  19. Man that is a awesome fish congrats to you and your fish!!
  20. Whats the intent of the tree planting, just a source of food for them? How long does it take for a nut bering tree to give its first crop?? I would think a long time, no?
  21. That's awesome!! And that smile that says she enjoyed every minute with dad sure shows it!! Congrats to you and your daughter, with your/her fish
  22. There is no such thing as a cake walk in walleye fishing, but as LakeO is on the rebound with the walleyes it would be nice to see some sort of preservation put forth to keep on the rebound!! But on the same note not all eye fisherman are as successful as some painting a picture it's easy to catch 3 eyes. Where maybe in the river some have it down to a science as we see with pics of limits. I just wonder how many are that successful in the on open water? Yes I would like to see more activity from the NY Fish Commission on the known areas on the ice. I icefished in Maine, 45 min on a snowmobile to get there and we got checked every day, so it can be done, without policing all of us. To me it's a double edge sword, again those that struggle and catch one in the slot has to put it back, while others freezers are full. Well fire at will I'm about to push the send button LOL
  23. Yea that's a great catch!! I'm sure you just made another future trolling guy!! Pics are great and so is the smile on the young mans face!! Congrats and thanks for taking a kid fishing!!
  24. My uncle was up for 2 days with 2 others they were up around the Odgensburg area and got skunked. So they headed over to their Oswegotchi camp and did well with the smallies. Very cold had frost Thursday evening, since things have been less than stellar. I talked to them tonight, if things don't pick up their headed home Tuesday.
  25. Hell yea!! I have to agree, if the fish make a good strong hold in the lake, I'd be giving LakeO' a second guess. Especially if their a day bite fish. I don't think the eyes would upset the balance of the eco, being its known for its superb trout fishing, and if they reproduce on their own that would keep things in line. Mother Nature has her way of balancing things out.
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